
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 22:59:05
在平面直角坐标系中,点0为坐标原点,二次函数的图像交X轴于点A(X1,0),B(X2,0).且(X1+1)(X2+2)=-8(1)求二次函数的关系式(2)将上述二次函数图像沿X轴向右平移两个单位,设平移后的图像于Y轴的交 已知定义在[2,2]上的奇函数f(x)是增函数,求使f(2a-1)+f(1-a)>0成立的实数a的取值已知定义在[-2,2]上的奇函数f(x)是增函数,求使f(2a-1)+f(1-a)>0成立的实数a的取值 设定义在(-1,1)上的奇函数f(x)是增函数,且f(a)+f(2a-1) Over 80% of the population of china___peasants.A was B is C would be D areThis is one of the most interesting questions that___asked.A have B has C have been D has beenMany a man___come to help us.A have B has C is D are"All __present and all__going 帮我每个选项都详细的解释(如果有词组请解释下)~知道者速回~(A) 1.Remember ( )people when you are offered help.A.thank B.to thank C.thanking(B) 2.They are very ( )of the play.A.fonf B.good C.fine(C) 3.Could you tell me the ( 有没有英语阅读完全解析这样的书 2,5,9,14,20,( )的规律,括号里填什么 为什么 英语翻译()this house with that one ,you'll find this house is better.A.compared B.To compare C.comparing You can‘t imagine the difficulty he ()onto the cliff and saving the boy in trouble.A.had to climb B.had climbed C.had climbing D.ha That's one of those questions that really ____A don't need answering B don't need to answer 为什么不可以选B,这个时候不是可以把need 当成实义动词么,这样B的结构不是正确的么 2 5 9 14 20有什么规律,第2002个数是多少 求方程lnX+X-3=0在(2,3)内的根(精确到0.1)(要有过程) 讨论方程Lnx=ax(其中a>0)有几个实根?高等数学里的,知道结果! (x^+x)^2-10(x^2+x)+25 x+25%x=8 x=10 请把过程写出来,x+25%x=8 x=10 请把过程写出来, 4000/x-4000/x(1+25%)=10怎么解要过程 下列英文求解释1.The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity.2.what i want to speak out most希望也解释一下单词在句子上的意思和原意。比如1句中的in terms of后第1995个数是几? The book will be released October 16th and will retail for $55.为什么released 要用过去式呢,不合整句的意思啊? 请帮我解释下.以下英语.I cherish you,you call me don't force you,if he,would you say that?You always say I don't understand you,and you will know me?Your hesitation,we only have endless hell,but I was the devil,you are the angel,always go to 问:2 5 9 14 20 27……第2006个数是? main menu,analyze,create,file,modify,xform,delete,screen,solids,toolpaths,NC utils,backup,level,attributes,groups,mask,wcs,tplane,cplane,gview,contour,drill,pocket,face,surface,multiaxis,operations,Job setup,Next menu,operations,selected,Toopath Grop 用matlab拟合三维数据公式!行人总数标准化 自行车总数标准化 通行能力 476.1905 238.0952 1428.571 514.2857 102.8571 1028.571 1016.949 112.9944 1016.949 1108.972 138.6215 970.3504 827.5862 275.8621 1379.31 1759.398 270.6767 947. 已知函数f(x)=xlnx,g(x)=lnx/x,求函数f(x)极值和单调区间 4*(1/20+1/15)+x*(1/10-1/25)=1 x=? 已知函数fx=(lnx+a)/x的单调区间与极值 a属于R 4/5比X的百分之25多1/10 求X 1mol的A单质与酸反应,能置换出1g氢气 A是什么元素 若x∈{-1,1}求函数f(x)=x平方+ax+3的最值. 已知x=1为函数f(x)=(x^2-ax+1)e^x的一个极值点,求a及函数f(x)的单调区间?急...已知x=1为函数f(x)=(x^2-ax+1)e^x的一个极值点,求a及函数f(x)的单调区间?急快! 已知定义在R上的函数f(x)=b-a的x次方/a的x次方+1(a>0,a不等于1)是奇函数.求b的值,并判断f(x)的单调性求b的值,要用定义求,还是用f(0)=0啊 函数y=ln(e的x次方+1)-x/2的奇偶性为 25(x-y)*2+10(y-x)+125(x-y)^2+10(y-x)+1