
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:46:31
艰难的反义词是什么? I want a bottle of milk (意思不变)改变句子 表现手法、艺术手法、表达技巧、表达方式、修辞手法 描写手法、抒情手法之间的关系 This one is tall and strong是什么意思汉语 one tall this and is strong,句子排序排序:helps her miss white students oftencan't name i my pen pal's find This builling is as tall ___that one怎么填 我要找一个女生的英文名,最好是“ki”音结尾的.或者麦琪的英文也行,要拼的好听一些,可以写一下中文读音吗? The doctor thought _would be good for you to have a holiday.A.this B.that C.one D.it请问选哪个?为什么? 康有为梁启超维新思想与早期维新思想的关系是 It is __Tom oftrn fails in maths __makes his mother disappointed.两个空为什么都填that .But Tom makes his living with his ( )填什么 第2句怎末翻译? Tom must help his mother Tom gave his mother a flower 被动语态 He is the man from him I heard the news,改错 英语翻译翻译:I just heard the awful news from my son that our dog climbed into your backyard and did some damage to your flower beds.At this moment,my husband is expanding the fence so the dog will not climb over it I would like to talk to you heard,heard from,heard of和heard about的区别?听说和收到来信..有区别么? I haven't heard news from him for years.单句改错. Mistakes correcting 1.Tom is not an honest student as he always tell lies.2.My cat moves very slow because it is very lazy.3.This boy is more fatter than that boy.4.I had shutted all the windows before I went out.5.Nobody will come to the party,won,t Tom always_____.When I tell him a joke,he often lets out a loud_____.A.laughs,laugh B.laugh,laugh C.laughs,laughing The important news was heard ____ twice on the radio.A. to broadcast B. broadcast C. broadcasting D.having broadcasted解释一下 how did you know the news I heard it _the radio.a,on b,from并说明理由 we heard the news on the radio 变为否定句 想想:袁世凯为什么要出卖维新派初二上册历史P34最左边想想. 袁世凯出卖维新派的原因袁世凯为什麽要出卖为新派? 一个人提了一桶水 关于做功一个人提了一桶水,水平走按照 功 的定义,这个人对水桶没有做功但是水桶不是动了吗,使水桶动的能量不是人给的吗 这个功,或者能,怎么表示呢?还有啊,如果他坐 小阳将一桶水从一楼提到二楼.关于做功的说法正确的是【 】a,对桶做的功是有用功b,对水做的功是有用功c,对水做的功是额外功d,克服自身重力做的功是总功 Our class meeting lasted <_two and a half hours __>this morning?划线提问_______ _______did your class meeting last? 英语翻译急 例如英中文"李"不是 Li 而是 Lee ,那"周"又怎么拼写哪?如题 六年级(1)班放学后值日小组值日,老师派四名学生各拿四个不同的水桶去水房打水,甲学生打满一桶水需要3分钟,乙学生打满一桶水需要5分钟,丙学生打满一桶水需要2分钟,丁学生打满一桶水 李恒光翻译成英语名字应该怎么叫?不是拼音,最好是谐音的.比如 XX Lee 放学的时候我同学值日我等她一起回家,走到一楼我看到他了,他今天值日,他和他几个的同学值日,然后他看到我非常害羞,不敢走上楼梯来,可是他拒绝我加他!我好难过︶︿︶