
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/11/07 21:26:57
短文改错,共有十个错误 短文改错 十个错误In the moring of April29,2008,hundreds of millions of middle schools and universities all over China joined in a national student sports progarm.Eleven thousands students and I in our city took a active part of this porgram . 短文改错 一共十个错误、急!last year one of my articles in a newspaper.it was the first time that I had hod an article published.I told my friend lucy and encourage her to write articles for newspaper.and she said her articles were not wel 英语短文改错!十个错误!As a professor in the English department,Mr.Li does have very good reputation.Though still at his early thirties,he has had a few papers publishing in several famous mazazines in the country.Also he had won awards for 下列两句话主要涉及的物理至知识是:(1)隔墙有耳:( )(2)长啸一声,山鸣谷应( )如何填? 英语翻译1.The electron should also have a traveling wave type of wavefunction.2.we can take the PE of the electron is contained within the crystal. 爱莲说予独爱莲之出污泥而不染予 淤泥翻译 电动车电机号YM72V1000W13100543前面的YM代表什么意思 代表爱情的东西有?如:摩天轮 请问飞机上的这些东西分别代表什么? 血液净化的种类有哪些 很神奇啊,三倍体的西瓜经1次无性繁殖,子2代可与二倍体植株有性繁殖?是学校配发的练习册上的.应该没错吧 进给伺服系统的常见故障有哪几种 市级人大代表一定是县级人大代表吗? 县级以上各级人大代表是怎么选出来的啊?麻烦详细点, 如果伺服系统没有位置反馈装置,如何调制步进电机的误差 文怎莫组词呀 什么见什么日的词语 在三种宗教教义中,其共性的内容是什么 在公共场所宣传宗教教义合法吗?为什么 纯氧有什么毒 我想自杀放弃生命 有人说,生命是我自己的,我想怎样处置都行,自杀与他人无关.请你辨析这种观点. 政治辨析题:人的生命和地球上的其它生命是一样的? 高中作文题:规律.怎么构思、立意?顺便说说词语类作文题的构思说说.如“登临”“危机”“相遇”. 气蒸云梦泽的下句 在一个纯氧的密室里,点燃火柴,RT ”气蒸云梦泽”的下一句是什么 “天真”一词的出处?最早是在哪个文献里面出来的?《易经》里面有天真的解释吗? 纯氧的危害? 气蒸云梦泽的时间后面一句 提取纯氧需要多大的电流