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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 07:24:23 SAT
【寄托家园 - SAT】
关于自杀词的说法,虽然一直有争论 being, having出现在 IS和IP中必错的说法in most cases还是可以信任的。当然,句首就不在讨论范围内了。 不过,需要注意的是,ISE中这条定律就不要用了,今天才看到OC里面,in addition to being XXXX是正确的,当初选的时候还很心寒。
几个特例 OCTEST2

for many a briliant architect, being free to innovate is more important than being well paid.(当然,这一个是有暗示的,注意到后面已经给出being well paid,实际上考察的是 parallel structure而不是动词tense,所以,identify考点才是王道)
In both his longer and his shorter wirks of fiction, G.G.M achieves the rare feat to be accessible to the common reader while satisying the most demanding of sophisticated critics.
ANSWER of being 代替 to be (比较诡异,不过其他答案都很烂,纯粹考勇气。另外注意到形容词的最高级 the most demanding是可以用来代替名词的,省略critics)
................ his gretest feat of being a successful......... 剩下都很烂的选项,不过有一个for being, 注意搭配
Logic Subject, 这种题有几种类型,有规律可循,而且很快选出来,一般只有一个选项到两个选项满足对应。

前面发出的动作必须对应特定subject(多数情况下,都是人而不是人的作品.CB也会耍阴,比如official上面, spread by rats, XXX killed people in ..故意诱惑你去找有人的做subject,所以还是要看清楚前面的动作,找到发出对象)
记得 OG 上面, #1attracting turiosts from all over the world, THE ISLAND...........
persuading even the most.. readers, XXX depict 一个什么样的世界in XXX(invertebrate's 什么东西

OC上面 #1 As one of the XXX(错误), 正解, one of the most successful Afican American business。。。, the ... company
#2Although a gifted musician 这种一看就不对

#1 oneof the gratest wirters in the history......., XXX‘s works/fictions showed a ........ *
OC TEST6, fruit flies那个, because it reproduces rapidly, 正解,但是一个选项, with its rapid production, 和 then rapid production allows, 叉掉。典型。!
IN MOST CASES, 动词原形为王道,超越 被动,is -ing, 名词形态

parallel structure).
没什么好说的,基本上没问题。 就是注意两点

有时候会拉出非常长的句子,来考验你identify parallel的能力,这个时候,记住一点:遇到长句子,必须画出S+V+O,别人靠的就是你成分要清晰。 然后看是V并列还是O,一般都是V,o比较容易看出来。
A is famous for employing novel techiniques in depictions to createSAT