作业帮 > SAT > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 05:25:11 SAT
【太傻网 - SAT】
法则二: 在文章中使用借词

在文章的写作中,少运用一些general words,反而多增加specific images. 什么是general words和specific images那,例如说; car 就是general words,因为车的种类有很多。 而Benz SUV 就是specific images。 在考试的时候,多使用specific words可以帮助把物体解释的更清楚。读者也会获得更多的信息,使他们对你的文章更方便了解。下面,让我们通过几个例子来证明;

例一 General: Tom got into his car and drove off.

Specific: Tom leaped into his SUV and roared off.

例二 General: The writer wrote a three-page critique of the painting in which he said he did not like it.

Specific: In his three-page critique, the art critic squeezed every drop of meaning- and enjoyment- out of the 3-inch by 3-inch pastel.

General words 对人物,地点,和事物的介绍都无法给读者准备的信息,所以为了更清楚的说明,把这些名词都应该换成specific words.

例三 General: An old dog came up the street.

Specific: An ancient, gray-muzzled golden retriever wandered up Bluebird Canyon Road.

例四 General: My coach illustrates the point about playing fairly.

Specific: My basketball coach, Ms Berry, illustrates the essay- ist’s point about playing fairly.

例五 General: At the end of the day, the workmen walked up the snow-covered road.

Specific: At the end of the day, the tired workmen trudged wearily up the snow-covered road.

Specific images 也可以使用在你的感想和对某个事物的理解上

例六 General: I thought the essay was well-written and interesting.

Specific: I thought the writer effectively organized her essay to move from the specific to the general.


运用specific images把下面的句子重新改写

1. The soccer players worked hard for a goal.


2. I enjoyed my United Stated history class because Ms. Lim made it interesting.


3. Tom brought the huge fish over the side of the boat.



1. The soccer team fought hard to score the deciding goal.

2. I enjoyed my U.S history class because Ms. Lim made history come alive for me.

3. With a mighty effort, Tom hSAT