作业帮 > SAT > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 05:26:02 SAT
【太傻网 - SAT】
法则一: 多运用动词和主动语态

作为文章的编写者,你主要的任务是把你想说的用文字的方式传达给你的读者。为了达到这个目的,你可以多使用动词和主动语态来为你的文章增加生命力。 例如;


例1 Verb to be: the use of leaf blowers before 8 am is a violation of local noise abatement laws.

Action verb: the use of leaf blowers before 8 am violates local noise abatement laws.


例2 Verb to be: The quarterback’s wretched performance was a disgrace to his team

Action verb: The quarterback’s wretched performance humiliated his team


例3 Verb to be: Jamie was happy to be part of the all-star soccer team.

Action verb: Being a part of the all-star soccer team thrilled Jamie.



例4 Passive Voice: the main idea for my essay was stated as the first sentence in the first paragraph.

Active Voice: I stated the main idea of my essay in the first sentence in the first paragraph.

例5 Passive voice: money for the new recreation building was raised quickly

Active voice: the recreation committee quickly raised money for the new building.

动词和主动语态练习题 (运用动词修改以下句子)

1. The completion of the homework assignment was immensely pleasing to Tori.


2. Laughing and joking was heard from the sailor as they scrubbed the decks of the ship.


3. A study of the life cycles of various South American monkeys was made by the zoologists.


4. since Liz was pursuing her goal to be a physician, all her spare time was spent studying


5. The sounds that were made by the ghosts in the haunted house were frightening to me.



1. Tori completed the homework assignment, to her immense pleasure.

2. The sailors laughed and joked as they scrubbed thSAT