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SAT 考试中写作基本原则[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 05:23:43 SAT
SAT 考试中写作基本原则[1]SAT
【太傻网 - SAT】
本文所阐述的几个原则是 SAT 写作时应当遵循的基本原则。但是同学们在练习或考试的时候,不要受此困扰,而要把它们当成提示要点,掌握这些要点,从而不断地巩固写作技能。在此过程中,切忌急躁,注意吸收所述原则的内容。其次要注意多做练习,把你的答案与正确表达进行对比,确保能理解每句话中的错误,这样才能在实际考试的时候避免犯同样的错误。

一、 避免使用俚语和口语
错误: She plays a wicked game of tennis.
正确: She excels in tennis.

错误: John has been doing a science for years.
正确: John has been a scientist for years.

错误: The blackened salmon’s been one of the restaurant’s most popular entrees.
正确: The blackened salmon has been one of the restaurant’s most popular entrees.


二、 避免使用不完整或冗长的句式
After if than whenever although in order that though where as provided that unless whether because since until while before so that
错误: Global warming. This is what the scientists and journalists are worried about.
正确: Global warming is the cause of concern for scientists and journalists.
注意,以并列连词 ——and 、 but 、 or 、 nor 和 for 作为单句的开头,则是可以接受的。例如:
正确: Most people would agree that indigent patients should receive wonderful health care. But every treatment has its price.

Current insurance practices are unfair they discriminate against the people who need insurance most.
1) 标注句号: Current insurance practices are unfair. They discriminate against the people who need insurance most.
2) 标注分号: Current insurance practices are unfair; they discriminate against the people who need insurance most. 利用分号把具有独立意义的句式分开,但同时向读者表明句子表示的含义之间存在一定联系。
3) 利用连词: Current insurance practices are unfair in that they discriminate against the people who need insurance most. 这也是最有效的修改方法,从句仍然是独立的,同时也表明了从句之间的联系。
出现冗长句式还有一个原因,就是误用 however 、 nevertheless 、 furthermore 、 likewise 、SAT