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The most efficient way to 背SAT单词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 05:24:21 SAT
The most efficient way to 背SAT单词SAT
【太傻网 - SAT】

热情 effusive ebullient ardent cordial fervent fervid zealous impassioned passionate perfervid incandescent

勤奋 arduous assiduous diligent industrious

有节制的 abstinent

温顺 docile meek tame domestic facile tractable amenable obedient

谨慎 circumspect discreet prudent prudential

粗心马虎 slipshod slipslop

有密切相关 relevant germane material pertinent pertaining applicable amenable apposite apropos

善良 benign benignant lenient

亲切 gracious cordial affable genial

同类 akin cognate homogeneous

不同 heterogeneous eclectic

宽大宽广 lenient liberal bountiful capacious commodious magnanimous munificent forbearing

坚强 unyielding

明智 sane sage judicious

大胆 dauntless audacious daring bold

恶意 vicious villainous iniquitous nefarious corrupt degenerate malicious sinister baleful

peccant depraved felonious heinous abominable malevolent malign malignant

残暴 nefarious cruel atrocious outrageous bestial unrestrained diabolical ferocious barbarous oppressive fiendish
