作业帮 > SAT > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 03:30:40 SAT
【太傻网考试 - SAT】
Cerebral concerned with thinking
Compendious containing a lot in a small space/few words
Conciliatory bringing together; ending a dispute
Connoisseurs experts with good taste/judgment
Convivial sociable
Corpulence being fat
Dearth shortage
Debacles disasters
Demonstrative expressing emotion freely
Depreciatory devaluing; criticizing
Facile over-simplified
Floridity 1. floweriness in language, 2. redness
Haranguing attacking verbally
Heterogeneity variety; non-uniformity
Histrionic melodramatic; expressing exaggerated emotion
Imperious in a commanding manner
Indulgent kindly; pampering
Inscrutable not east to comprehend
Insular cannot be tolerated
Intemperate not moderate; excessive
Intonation tone of voice
Lavish 1. (verb) to spend freely, 2. (adj.) opulent; costing a lot
Litigious seeking legal remedies
Magnanimous generous minded; big-hearted
Mandatory compulsory
Momentous of great importance