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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 03:25:43 SAT
【91SAT考试网 - SAT】
Nemesis fate, doom
Opacity lack of transparency; being opaque
Palliative something that makes better but does not cure
Peer 1. (noun) an equal, 2. (verb) to look closely at
Profundity depth (of ideas/thought)
Radical revolutionary
Redolent smelling of (literal or metaphoric)
Reprehensible very bad
Robust strong and sturdy
Solicitous expressing care and concern
Somber gloomy
Succulent juicy
Sycophants toadies; flatterers
Therapeutic medicinal
Thwarted prevented
Undermined weakened
Vex annoy
Viscous thick and sticky
Wistful sad, yearning; longing in a thoughtful way
Toadies sycophants; flatterers; boot-lickers
worship; great praise
Amiable friendly, lovable
Arable can be cultivated ("arable land")
Articulation 1. joining, 2. speaking clearly
Autocrat absolute ruler; dictator
Bountiful generous
Callous cruel; hard and unfeeling