
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 00:23:20 成人英语三级考试
  • 高效备考!2016年成人英语三级考试通关保过课程火热开售中>>
  • I consider myself something of an expert on apologies. A quick temper(脾气) has 1 me with plenty of opportunities(机会) to make them. In one of my earliest 2 , my mother is telling me, “Don’t watch the 3 when you say ‘I’m sorry’. Hold your head up and look the person in the 4 , so he’ll know you 5 it.”

    My mother thus made the key point of a(n) 6 apology: it must be direct. You must never 7 to be doing something else. You do not 8 a pile of letters while apologizing to a person 9 in position after blaming him or her for a mistake that turned out to be your 10 . You do not apologize to a hostess(女主人), whose guest of honor you treat 11 , by sending flowers the next day without mentioning your bad 12 .

    One of the important things you should do for an 13 apology is readiness to 14 the responsibility(责任) for our careless mistakes. We are used to making excuses, which leaves no 15 for the other person to 16 us. Since most people are open-hearted, the no-excuse apology leaves both parties feeling 17 about themselves. That, after all, is the 18 of every apology. It 19 little whether the apologizer is wholly or only partly at fault: answering for one’s 20 encourages others to take their share of the blame.

    1. A.provided B.mixed Cpared D.treated

    2. A.dreams B.courses C.memories D.ideas

    3. A.side B.ground C.wall D.bottom

    4. A.mind B.soul C.face D.eye

    5. A.imagine B.enjoy C.mean D.regret

    6. A.useful B.successful C.equal D.basic

    7. A.pretend B.forget C.refuse D.expect

    8. A.hold on B.put away C.look through D.pick up

    9. A.poorer B.weaker C.worse D.lower

    10.A.fault B.reason C.result D.duty

    11.A.cruelly B.freely C.roughly D.foolishly

    12.A.manners B.excuses C.efforts D.roles

    13.A.active B.effective C.extra D.easy

    14.A.raise B.perform C.admit D.bear

    15.A.situation B.need C.sign D.room

    16.A.advise B.forgive C.warn D.blame

    17.A.wiser B.warmer C.better D.cleverer

    18.A.purpose B.method C.end D.advantage

    19.A.cares B.matters C.depends D.remains

    20.A.facts B.states C.rights D.actions


    1—5 ACBDC 6—10 BACDA 11—15 CABDD 16—20 BCABD

    1.选A。provide … with意为“向……提供……”。




    5.选C。mean it意为“这样对方就会明白你有道歉的意思”。it在这里指道歉的行为。


    7.选A。 pretend“假装”。根据情景和常识选定。



    10.选A。fault“过错(责任)”。turn out意为“后来证明是”。


    12.选A。bad manners 意为不礼貌的行为,从treat roughly这一信息不难推测出这一答案。


    14.选D。bear the responsibility(承担责任),系习惯搭配。

    15.选D。leave no room不留余地。



    18.选A。道歉的最终“目的”是化干戈为玉帛,大家和好如初,所以用purpose。 end表示“目的”时用复数较多,而且不及purpose直接。

    19.选B。道歉者是全部还是部分承担责任这些都不太重要:关键是为所作所为主动负责,这也能促使别人共同承担责任。 根据语境不难排除另三个选项。

    20.选D。根据行文逻辑应该是对自己的“行动”负责。answer for在此意为“对……负责”。成人英语三级考试