作业帮 > SAT > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 01:29:14 SAT
【智胜教育SAT - SAT】
Must Bring 考场必带

Your Admission Ticket 准考卷
Print Admission Ticket from our Email 请打印出我们寄出的准考证
Two No. 2 pencils and a soft eraser 两只二号铅笔和橡皮
Photo identification 有效带照片的证件
Which photo ID will you bring? 可带的证件
· State-issued driver's license 驾照
· Citizen ID card 身份证
· School identification card 学生卡
· Valid (current) passport 护照
· School ID Form prepared by your school 学校证明
An Acceptable Calculator 符合标准的计算器
Calculators permitted while testing are: 考试中允许的计算器:
· Graphing calculators 画图计算器
· Scientific calculators 科学计算器
· Four-function calculators (not recommended) 简单计算机(不推荐)
Not permitted as a calculator: 不符合标准的计算器
· Laptop or a portable/handheld computer 电脑、手上电脑
· Calculator that has a QWERTY (keyboard-like) keypad, uses an electrical outlet, makes noise or has a paper tape 带QWERTY的计算器,用插头的,有噪音的,打纸的
· Electronic writing pad or pen-input-driven device 电子本或者用笔输入的计算器
· Pocket organizer 掌上财务
· Cell phone calculator 手机计算器
An acceptable CD player
Remove from checklist Acceptable CD players must be:
·Equipped with earphones
·Portable (handheld)
·Battery operated
·Not capable of recording or duplicating
See additional guidance
Nice to have 有帮助的
A watch 表
without an audible alarm (不能出声)
Extra batteries and backup equipment 备份电池和计算机
A bag or backpack 书包
A drink or snacks (for your break) 吃的,喝的 (休息时候)
What NOT to Bring 不能带的
· Scratch Paper 草稿纸
· Notes, books, dictionary 笔记,书,字典
· Cell phone, pager, personal digital assistant, ipod, MP3 player, Blackberry, or any other digital or electronic equipment 手机,呼叫机,个人数码助理,ipod,mp3机,黑莓或者任何其他电子或者数字设备
· Highlighters or colored pencil 荧光笔或者彩色铅笔
· Compass, protractor, ruler, or any kind of aid 圆规,量角器,尺子或任何
· Separate timer or any kind of watch with audible alarm 定时器或者任何出声的表
Camera or other photographic equipment, portable listening or recording device 相机或任SAT