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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 12:28:46 字数作文


  When a earthquake happens in your surroundings.I will give you some advices about help youself from an earthquake.I hope that can help you.

  Fitstly,when a earthquake happens suddenly,don"t nervous and panic but calm down.You can hide yourselves under the desk.

  Secondly.Don"t wastle engry that can help.you very much.You.can tell your claasmates don"t tear in ruin.When you surrounded by ruin.Encourage yourself and your classmates don"t sleep and stick to calm down.

  Thirdly,you can attack some things in order to make voice that can let lifesavers sound.You also cam make a single from your voice and so on.

  There is my advice.I hope you can like my advice.


When the Wenchuan earthquake happen in Sichuan. I was in the high school. In the afternoon, the classmate told me the news.

Since then the latest news constantly has been send from Sichuan. At the first time I didn’t have any special feeling except depressive. Because I didn’t know what is the meaning about 8-magnitude earthquake since I was born.

The next day, when the teacher shown us the photos I was shocked by it. That was beyond my imagination. The buildings were collapsed. Countless people was died. When a picture shown that a small hand was stretch out from the ruin as if he want to hold his

schoolbag in the last minute of his life, I felt that I was so happy and lucky to have chance to spend my life in the school. We can did noting but donating money. We were surprised that the senior students were very rich.

In the National Day of mourning evening, Our school held a ceremony. Everyone prepared a candle before the night. Several students became a circle. With the sound of poetry about this earthquake, We were pray for the victims. Many of students were crying at that time. This was my first time I felt that I was so close to my country.

Our life is so weak. There is noting more precious than the life in the word.






earthquake 地震 shake 震动;摇晃 tremor颤动;震动

temblor [美语] 地震 hit 袭击、打击,使遭受 strike 突然发生;打击 jolt 使颠簸,摇晃 rock 摇,摇动,使振动 roll across 波动,起伏,横摇 rip through 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯 damage 损害;损伤

destroy 毁坏,破坏;摧残 shatter 破坏;捣毁;破灭

devastate 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废;毁灭 level 推倒,夷平 flatten 夷为平地 seismological 地震学上的 seismology 地震学seismograph 地震仪

seismographer 地震学家 aftershock 余震 smaller tremors 小地震 epicenter 震中 magnitude 震级 Richter Scale(1-10) 里氏震级

at a scale of 7.8 on the Richter calculations 里氏7.8级地震

earthquake monitoring 地震监控 tsunami 海啸

rock and mud slides 泥石流 tsunami warning system 海啸预警系统 tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮 natural disaster 自然灾害

tragedy 灾难 wreckage 残骸death toll 死亡人数 survivors 幸存者 victims 受灾者 international contributions 国际援助 evacuation 撤离 rescue team 救援小组

All walks of life made caring donation to the victims of the deadly earthquake in Sichuan. 社会各界纷纷对四川大地震的灾民进行爱心捐赠。

The Ministry of Health has urged the public to donate blood to help victims of the quake that rocked Sichuan.



We are collecting money for the victims of the deadly earthquake in Sichuan. 许多明星以他们自己的名义努力募款帮助地震灾民。

Many stars lent their own names to the efforts to raise money to help the earthquake victims.

The grand fund-raising show undertaken by CCTV attracted more than 1000 literary and arts celebrities, collecting RMB 1.514b in donations.



A major earthquake measuring 8.0 Richter Scale attacked Wenchuan County of Sichuan province at 14:28:04 on 12 May 2008. The epicenter of the quake was located 31.0 degrees north latitude and 103.4 degrees east longitude. It is believed to be the largest earthquake since 1949.

水电站 hydroelectric plant次生地质灾害 secondary geological disaster 堰塞湖 quake lake,barrier lake,dammed lake山体滑坡 mountain landslide 残奥会 Paralympic Games 生命探测仪 life detection instrument


You may never heard about WenChuan befor 12 May 2008, but the word "WenChuan Earthquake"

will never be forgotten by the Chinese people.


From May 19 through 21, all national flags will fly at half-mast at home and Chinese diplomatic missions abroad. During this period, all public amusement will be suspended, and condolence books will be opened in China's Foreign Ministry and Chinese embassies and consulates around the world. At 2:28 p.m. 19 May, Chinese citizens nationwide will stand in silence for three minutes to mourn for the victims, while air raid sirens and horns of automobiles, trains and ships will wail in grief. 无数的灾难片中,直升机绝对是极好的求援工具。今天的“直升机”觉得特别的神圣,它承载的是生命的希望,被亲切的称为“吉祥鸟”。

In many disaster films, helicopter is the first choice for rescue activity, and it is more grand today. As the hope of life, a helicopter is often called a "lucky bird".


This day is among the saddest ones which we could count by our hands in New China's history. The determination of converting sorrows into strength of all the Chinese people are rising:"China,come on!""SiChuan,come on!"

No matter how future will be, the terrible disaster which happened this day ,will give the 70s,80s,and 90s a good lessen.


On 18 May 2008,the Sate Council of China declared the three days between 19th to 21st of May are set as official days of deeply mourning for quake victims. 考题示例







Dear friends,

I’m awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake unexpectedly hit your hometown. Faced with such a rarely-seen disaster, you remain so calm and strong-willed that we are all moved to tears. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Thinking about your present situation, we can not wait a minute to make every bit of our effort to help you. I, as the chairman of student union, on behalf of all my schoolmates, express our most sincere pity and care for you. Besides, we make a donation of 120 thousand yuan to you, expecting that it can help you go through the difficulty. A better hometown can be rebuilt. Therefore, never give up whatever happens. Remember we won’t be far away when you need any help!

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua


一、全国哀悼日 我们化悲痛为力量(英文)


China's national flag flies at half-mast after the flag-raising ceremony on Tian'anmen Square in Beijing Monday morning, May 19, 2008. China on Monday begins a three-day national mourning for the tens of thousands of people killed in a powerful earthquake which struck the country's southwest on May 12.

The State Council, the Cabinet, yesterday ordered flags to be flown at half-mast and all public entertainment suspended for three days as the country begins an official mourning period for victims of the earthquake.

Condolence books will be opened at the Foreign Ministry and Chinese embassies and consulates around the world.

People are asked to stand in silence for three minutes from 2:28 pm today, while automobiles, trains, and ships will sound their horns or sirens.

Also, the Olympic torch relay will be suspended till Wednesday, organizers said. Meanwhile, the magnitude of last Monday's quake was yesterday revised from 7.8 to 8 by the China Seismological Bureau.

The death toll from the powerful earthquake rose to 32,477 nationwide as of 2 pm yesterday, while the number of injured reached 220,109, according to the emergency response office of the State Council.

Rescuers yesterday pulled out more survivors. A woman worker of the local power plant was rescued last night in Yingxiu town, Sichuan province, 150 hours after the quake. The rescue team spent 56 hours saving Yu Jinhua.

Yesterday afternoon, a 53-year-old man was also rescued in Yingxiu, 148 hours

after the tremor. The man, Shen Peiyun, was conscious and was taken to hospital by helicopter.

In the morning, a man named Tang Xiong was rescued from a collapsed hospital in Beichuan county 139 hours after the quake.

Also in Beichuan, another man was rescued Saturday night from a collapsed building. Wu Jianping was then taken to hospital.

二、英语作文 China Wenchuan earthquake

Like many people in the UK, the team at BBC Learning English have been shocked and saddened by news of the earthquake in Sichuan province. We would like to extend our condolences to those affected by this terrible natural disaster. Below is a special report on the earthquake and the rescue operations taking place.

和在英国的很多人一样,BBC 英语教学组的全体成员对五月十二号发生在四川省的地震消息感到震惊和悲痛。在这里我们对受害者表示最深切的哀悼,向那些受地震影响的人们深表同情。下面是对这次地震和地震营救行动的一篇特别报道。

Rescue efforts are underway in China’s Sichuan province following Monday’s devastating earthquake 灾难性的地震, which measured 7.9 on the Richter Scale 里氏震级.

According to Xinhua news agency, nearly 15,000 people have died in the disaster, with as many as 24,000 more trapped under rubble 碎石,碎砖 from collapsing buildings and another 14,000 declared missing 申报失踪.

Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has visited the area to personally oversee relief work (抗震)救灾工作, and is flying to the epicentre 震中 of the earthquake today.

Chinese troops have been mobilised 调动 to carry out rescue operations and emergency aid 紧急救护 has been air-dropped 空降 into areas that have been cut off by the disaster.

Bad weather has hampered 阻碍 relief efforts and in some cases rescuers have had to trek into the disaster area 受灾地区 by foot and search for trapped survivors 生还者 by hand as roads have been blocked by debris 瓦砾碎片.

Some residents of the provincial capital 首府 Chengdu have chosen to sleep in tents and government shelters for fear of aftershocks 余震 causing more damage.

One witness in Chengdu told the BBC the city’s population is helping the relief work by donating 捐献 food and water for those affected in the surrounding countryside.

Financial aid 经济救助 has been pouring in 大量涌进 from all over China, with the Chinese government pledging hundreds of millions of dollars. Substantial donations from other countries and humanitarian organisations have also been pledged 承诺,给予(援助).

Although full casualty figures 伤亡数字 are not yet certain, it is clear that Monday’s earthquake is the worst to strike China since the Tangshan earthquake of 1976.

三、英语作文:四川汶川地震的感想 (中英文)

The passage of time bit by bit, every minute, have a lot of the people of disaster



要求如下:一场恐怖的地震发生在日本,所产生的高达十米海啸(enormous of ten meter higth)冲掉(wash away)了日本所有的东北沿海地区(coast area N.E part ofcountry),不过最糟糕的(what’s worse )是核泄漏(nuclear power station explosion)。但是各个国家已派出很多救援队(many rescue)帮助日本,只是日本人民仍处于痛苦(misery)中,因为在地震中有很多逝去的生命。


enormous tsunamis (operations higth) rushs (wash away) Japan all the northeast coast area N.E coastal regions (ofcountry), but again the worst (worse) is sorry 's nuclear power now nuclear leak (explosion). But each

country has sent many rescue teams (rescue) helped Japan, many people still is a Japanese on pain of misery), because (in earthquake has lots of lost life

the earthquake let us, this earthquake looming is terrific, the entire honshu island ulterly changed, earthquake that triggered the big fire entire towns, and because the main honshu island is the coastal regions, so because the quake triggered a tsunami, the tsunami have been rushed to the imperial county, and it took the whole Japan's floor is main honshu island say all the boundless,

became engulfed by the sea, today, because tsunami caused a whirlpool, then, take everything contributed in. Can say is really powerful.

In the earthquake, many people have lost family and friends, some people even themselves are dead, they how poor! Natural disasters are ruthless, according to expert introduction, the Japanese earthquake destructive more than 20 wenchuan earthquake damage. The earthquake has the highest an earthquake, series is really powerful! They know how pain, lose his family is a thing, as we live in the same earth, should also help them.

The earthquake actually is also a warning, it reminds us, to protect the

environment, not to do a great deal of extraction, this can lead to underground energy strong earthquake if coastal areas, also take care not to put the rubbish into the sea, that will also pollute the environment.

Let us environmental protection! Let our earth more beautiful, more beautiful! 意思:昨天,在日本本州岛发生了8.8级的强烈大地震,这次的地震让我们触目惊心,这次的地震是非常厉害的,整个本州岛面目全非,地震引发的大火烧了整个城镇,并且由于本州岛是沿海地区,所以因为地震还引发了海啸,这次的海啸一直冲到宫廷县德楼,把整个日本本州岛可以说是全部吞没,变成了茫茫的海洋,





3.I heard the earthquake in Japan was very sorry the news, Japan is our neighbor, after all, Japan has been with us the history of Chinese origin has contacts, the earthquake brought to Japan is not a small loss, but also nuclear leakage of the serious problems of this world, in the previous earthquake, the Japanese gave in a good attitude, this time we can not turn a blind eye in China, the Chinese since ancient times is the ceremonies, helping others is our good habits, so We not only physical but also on helping them to help them spiritually, let us wish the early resumption of the Japanese people always calm, peace will be spent nuclear leak.

about the bad news. Why there were so many disasters in the world? I looked up some files about the top fourteen worst earthquakes in the past one hundred years from internet. And some earthquakes even came with tsunamis. It was said that 300 thousands of people died in 2004 as a result of the earthquake and tsunami happened in Indonesia. And 242 thousands of citizens died in Tangshan Earthquake in 1976 in China. Also in 2008, another big earthquake happened in China, and more than 7 thousands passed away.

How awful it is when we talk about these figures.

Everyone should cherish what we have now.

I felt scary when I watched 2012.

But the disasters happened are more fearful.

Dalian is not far away from Japan, my colleague told me that she would be too panic to go to bed tonight. It is funny.

I did not worry about that. No one can expect what will happen in the next minute. Just enjoy every minute in our life.

It is enough~

buildings, inundated coastal communities, wrecked roadways and potentially unstable nuclear power plants. But it barely made a dent in the implacably Japanese trait of exhibiting concern for others even in the worst of


The Japanese language is full of ritual apologies, uttered so often as to become almost meaningless: I am about to make a nuisance of myself —

please excuse me! Some of this is a matter of mere formality. But at a time of crisis, such politesse can be the glue that holds the country together.

Even though Friday's magnitude 8.9 quake was shocking and

discombobulating, few would imagine burdening a stranger with their anxieties. 核爆炸nuclear explosion;

nuclear detonation

爆炸1.to explode;

to blow up;

to go off;

to burst;

to detonate

2. an explosion;

a blast;

a burst;

an outburst;

a detonation

1. nuclear radiation 核辐射

While the affected areas in Japan brace for more aftershocks, the country is also being afflicted by another earthquake-engendered crisis - nuclear radiation.

A meltdown was feared at its Fukushima nuclear plant after it was rocked by the quake.日本强震受灾地区不仅面临更多余震,而且还面临着另一个震后危机——核辐射。人们担心福岛核电站在地震后会发生严重核泄漏事故。

2. nuclear leakage 核泄漏

Xu Mi, a renowned fast reactor expert at China National Nuclear Corporation and China Institute of Atomic Energy, told Xinhua that "Japan's nuclear leakage would not affect China,"

but it is still necessary to watch for developments.国家核能集团和中国原子能研究的知名快中子反应堆专家徐銤告诉新华社“日本的核泄漏不会影响到中国”,但是仍有必要关注事态的发展。文中出现的“nuclear leakage”就是“核泄漏”的意思,“leakage”可以表示液体或者气体的泄露,还可以指秘密等的泄露,如:“leakages of confidential information”指“机密信息的泄露”。

3. meltdown 融毁法新社消息称,13日,日本政府表示,该国福岛核电站的两个反应堆可能已经出现“熔毁”现象。此前日本广播协会介绍说,“核心熔毁”(meltdown)是指核反应堆失去冷却水后,燃料中放射性物质产生的热量无法去除,高温会令燃料棒熔化,这是核电事故中最严重的事态。

An official with Japan's nuclear safety commission Ryohei Shiomi said Saturday that officials were checking whether a meltdown had taken place at the Fukushima power plant.日本的核安全机构发言人Ryohei Shiomi在周六表示,日本官方正在对位于福岛的核电厂进行检测,看刊其核融毁是否已经发生。

meltdown 可以用来指核电站的核融毁,但是这种用法通常是在很专业的领域出现,我们通常见到的“meltdown”可以表示融化的意思,融毁也是从这个意思引申出来的。另外“meltdown”还经常被用来表达“灾难”的意思。

World leaders gather tomorrow to address the global financial meltdown.全球领导人上周六聚集在一起,讨论如何解决全球金融灾难。

4. nuclear power plant 核电站


An official with Japan's nuclear safety commission says that a meltdown at a nuclear power plant affected by the country's massive earthquake is possible.日本核安全委员会的一位官员称受到此次强震的影响,而导致核电站出现融毁是非常可能的。

5. nuclear reactor 核反应堆

Meltdown is a term that describes the melting of a nuclear reactor core as a result of a nuclear accident.融毁坏是用来形容核反应堆中心过热出现融化,而产生的核事故。


Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals. Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind. Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character

education and practice acts as an important element of it. Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.


Strong earthquake damage so large, to show once again brought out. In the vicinity of the epicenter, and in some cities and villages, many houses collapsed and damaged roads, telecommunications disruption, many schools and hospitals have become ruins. Human vibrant homes, Zhuanshun between appalling.

This is a natural disaster caused by difficult to avoid the tragedy, it is sad. And this kind of tragedy, and in fact the long history of human companions, Ruyingsuixing. Far not said that the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, despite the past 32 years but has remained a matter of fear. In 1998 the major flood disaster in 2003, the atypical pneumonia crisis, the end of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the recent tropical storm in Myanmar, have caused a large number of casualties and property losses. Human nature is no stranger to disaster, but when Wenchuan earthquake and the plain reality of the time, the natural power of human beings before the fragile, exposed completely. Wenchuan earthquake, the people to disaster areas has caused tremendous physical and mental suffering, but also makes the map as a small region, the people throughout the country the most about the place. As a so-called human life, compatriots suffering in some of the time, the country’s grief out of the full performance. The international community has also expressed concern about the rapid and condolences.

When a major earthquake has occurred, and aftershocks continued, the key word at this time only a matter of fact the word save and assistance. In a sense, the assistance is also save an integral part. There is no doubt that relief has become China’s current government and the people most important task.

Disaster relief to save what? This seems to be without a thought. But in fact, the true meaning of disaster relief must be clarified. The primary task of relief, when in order to save lives. Compared with the life, property loss and post-disaster reconstruction and so has been relatively minor, or that include the rescue of property and the seismic reflection of the problem, should be moved back to save lives extremely important After that.

In the earthquake disaster site to direct rescue of Premier Wen Jiabao said a word, as long as both hands, will be able to rebuild their homes - these words to the real interpretation of the true meaning of the disaster. In other words, this is also the Chinese government will as a primary task of saving the idea of the source. That is only one life, not to the other of alternative, the response must be to the fastest speed, with the GREatest efforts, even at the cost to take any means, at any cost, the disaster areas to save people’s lives.

This means that the government-led rescue system should be the focus fell on the lives of the rescue. With the passage of time, the number of casualties will also continue to increase. Safety of the lives of tens of thousands of people, in fact, the most severe disaster order. As long as there’s hope that the front line, who must rescue efforts to hundredfold, from the ruins in search for possible survivors, from under collapsed buildings in a rescue every life.

It should be noted that not only rely on relief confidence, courage and a spirit of solidarity, but also rely on the professional rescue teams and technical configuration. Although available for disaster relief to everyone, but under certain conditions, relief is also a live technical, professional and strong, high-risk, large amount of labor. Can not fail to mention that Chinese soldiers once again played a steel wall role in the relief difficult conditions, the elite combat units in the affected areas to give full expression to the mighty army of glory. The young Chinese soldiers in the affected areas of the rescue scenario is indeed deeply felt the blood is thicker than water like fish and water deeply.

Will save lives as the overriding priority, also means that aid must race against time, and death race. Those dying in the ruins of the life, is eagerly awaited relief. Time is life, meaning, at this point has been the most vivid expression. Early into the second relief to the affected areas, we can save a life back. In the epicenter of local traffic inconvenience or even interrupted the circumstances, Premier Wen Jiabao asked the rescue team is to walk as soon as possible into the most affected areas, highlighted the earthquake relief the importance of the concept of time.

It should also be noted that the earthquake disaster relief is not just a matter of the Government. As the face of ever, a major natural disaster, the government’s influence, life-saving operations, but also relies on public and non-governmental organizations surmount. Including encouraging the spirit of the people of disaster areas, material support, including positive and practical actions, such as blood donation, both will have a positive effect rescue operations. Wenchuan after the earthquake, many enterprises and individuals, has begun an emergency donation of property, to the most needed areas. Non-disaster areas the people’s blessings and encouragement, people have fully felt the warmth and firm national strength.

No Valentine’s love of natural disasters. In a battle to save the lives of all people, the victory will come after a disaster test of the Chinese nation.









