能不能说each 的近义词是anyone同标题

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能不能说each 的近义词是anyone同标题
能不能说each 的近义词是anyone

能不能说each 的近义词是anyone同标题



能不能说each 的近义词是anyone同标题 中国比任何一个非洲的国家都大 能不能说 China is larger than anyone country in Africa. How is each of them produced?有没有语法错误?能不能说成Hodoes each of them be produced? 一道有关定语从句的高一英语选择题题目是这样的:His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone [ ]family was poor.A.of whomB.whomC.of whose D.whose能不能说下原因 anyone和anybody的区别?有人说这两个完全一致,有人说anybody是用于否定句,anyone适用于陈述句或疑问句,到底是怎么回事呢?[Is there anyone here who knows German?]anyone换成anybody可以么? anyone someone 的区别 is there anyone here?去掉前面的 there行不行呢关于此句型能不能多讲一点东西呢? anyone else's anyone else anyone's else anyone's 的区别 Li Ping is taller than anyone else in our class.(anyone else)英语词语释义,选择能替换括号中词语的选项.A.the other studentB.any other sthdentC.each studentD.all the students each,other,each of,every of的区别说简洁点·· ____ visits the Great Wall will be struck by it.A.Anyone B.Each C.Whoever D.Everybody 为什么A不行,感觉也通的啊 To make each day count 中each能不能换成everyRt To make each day count.中each能不能换成every They know each others favorite(s)请问句中的each others 能不能换成 one anothers 为什么希望说详细They know each others favorite(s) 请问句中的each others 能不能换成 one anothers 为什么希望说详细点 we read English e____ morning.这里能不能写each吖?every偶知道可以的 each与every的区别?请说详细一点 His work is better than_____ in the class.选项 A:anyone's else B:anyone else's C:anyone else D:else anyone's能不能讲清楚点 at each .on each.each.in each的用法