I tend to live _______ there is plenty of sunshine.A.where B.because C.which D.though

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 17:54:15

I tend to live _______ there is plenty of sunshine.A.where B.because C.which D.though
I tend to live _______ there is plenty of sunshine.
A.where B.because C.which D.though

I tend to live _______ there is plenty of sunshine.A.where B.because C.which D.though

是的 where等于in which


I tend to live _______ there is plenty of sunshine.A.where B.because C.which D.though sparsely populated places tend to be tough places to live.4578 sparsely populated places tend to be tough places to live.4578 i procrastinate and i tend to be a little messy sparsely populated places tend to be tough places to live.4578 这里 be tough 关于tend 短语tend to sth.tend to do tend sb.tend to sb.麻烦意思. People who have several close friends tend to live happier and healthier lives.怎么翻译? I found the house very comfortable _____ in.A.live B.to live C.living D.to be lived i live to eat My grand parents didn't have a large house _____.A to live B. live C. live in D. live in The room i 单词填空(高中英语)The baby are well___ to in the nurseryPeople tend to live more happily and longer if they are o__ about life.Her story p__ me;I find it hard to believe. 1.Do you know where _____ tonight?Well,it's said that we will stay at Hongxing Hotel ,but I don't know which room___.A.to live; to live B.to live in 'to live in C.to live in;to live D.to live; to live in2.How was your last weekend?Oh,I felt so ______ I couldn't imagine _____ a happy life like this.A.to live B.living C.lived D.live tend to什么意思 tend to 什么意思 英语3题改写句子1.would you like to live next to a supermarket?同义句_____ _____ _____ to live next to a suptermarket.2.I'd like to live (next to a bookstore)对括号内容提问_____ _____ _____ _____ to live3.There are many big restau I want to _____ a long and healthy life.A.live B.spend C.keep I prefer to live in the country rather than _____ in the city?解析和翻译 sparsely populated places tend to be tough places to live. 4578 什么意思?sparsely populated places tend to be tough places to live. 4578 什么意思?想知道的语言点:1—tend to 怎么翻译 2—tough places to live怎么翻译