你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?英语怎么说1 你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?2 你下个月的婚礼准备的怎样了?3 我们的婚礼基本上准备好了,下一步我们要去发请帖了,还要采购一些东西4 1周后是妈妈

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 17:21:50

你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?英语怎么说1 你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?2 你下个月的婚礼准备的怎样了?3 我们的婚礼基本上准备好了,下一步我们要去发请帖了,还要采购一些东西4 1周后是妈妈
1 你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?
2 你下个月的婚礼准备的怎样了?
3 我们的婚礼基本上准备好了,下一步我们要去发请帖了,还要采购一些东西
4 1周后是妈妈的生日,我要给她一个特别的礼物,感谢她这么多年对我的抚养和教育
5 她马上就要结婚了,这几天晚上总是激动的睡不着
6 你梦想中的婚礼是什么样子的?

你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?英语怎么说1 你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?2 你下个月的婚礼准备的怎样了?3 我们的婚礼基本上准备好了,下一步我们要去发请帖了,还要采购一些东西4 1周后是妈妈
1.How is the preparation of your daughter's wedding?
2.How well do you prepare for the nexr month's wedding?
3.By and large we are well prepared.Next,we are going to send the invitation cards and do some shopping.
4.My mother's birthday is in next week.I will give her a special gift to show my gratitude to her long-term nurture and inculcation.
5.Because she is soon to get married,she is always too exciting to fell asleep these nights.
6.What's your dream wedding?

how about your daughter's wedding

How is your daughter‘s wedding?

1. How about the preparation of your daughter‘s wedding?
2. How about the preparation of your wedding next month?
3. We’ve almost done all the things。Next we‘ll hand the invitations out and bu...


1. How about the preparation of your daughter‘s wedding?
2. How about the preparation of your wedding next month?
3. We’ve almost done all the things。Next we‘ll hand the invitations out and buy something we need。
4.My mum’s birthday is one week later。I‘ll give her a special present to thank her for raising me up and the education she gives me。
5.For these days,I’m too neverous to sleep because she‘ll be married soon。
6.How about the weeding in your dream?


How is your daughter's wedding preparation?
How is your wedding preparation going?
Our wedding is all ready to go, next we are ready to send out the invitations and purchase some stuff.


How is your daughter's wedding preparation?
How is your wedding preparation going?
Our wedding is all ready to go, next we are ready to send out the invitations and purchase some stuff.
Mom's birthday is coming in a week. I will give her a special gift to show my gratitude for raising and teaching me all these years.
Her wedding is coming very soon. She is too exciting to fall asleep in these nights.
What is your dream wedding like?


1 你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?How about the preparation of your daughter's wedding?
2 你下个月的婚礼准备的怎样了?How about the preparation of your wedding in the next month?
3 我们的婚礼基本上准备好了,下一步我们要去发请帖了,还要采购一些东西


1 你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?How about the preparation of your daughter's wedding?
2 你下个月的婚礼准备的怎样了?How about the preparation of your wedding in the next month?
3 我们的婚礼基本上准备好了,下一步我们要去发请帖了,还要采购一些东西
Our wedding is basically got ready. The next steps are sending invitations and purchasing some usefull things.

4 1周后是妈妈的生日,我要给她一个特别的礼物,感谢她这么多年对我的抚养和教育
My mother's birthday is in the next week, so I'd like to prepare a special gift to thank her for bringing up and cultivating those years.
5 她马上就要结婚了,这几天晚上总是激动的睡不着
She is too excited to sleep, because she will get married soon.
6 你梦想中的婚礼是什么样子的
What's your dreamy wedding look like?


1 你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?
How are your daughter's wedding preparations?
2 你下个月的婚礼准备的怎样了?
What are you doing with your next month's wedding?
3 我们的婚礼基本上准备好了,下一步我们要去发请帖了,还要采购一些东西
Well, almos...


1 你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?
How are your daughter's wedding preparations?
2 你下个月的婚礼准备的怎样了?
What are you doing with your next month's wedding?
3 我们的婚礼基本上准备好了,下一步我们要去发请帖了,还要采购一些东西
Well, almost ready. Next we will send out invitations and shop for something.
4 1周后是妈妈的生日,我要给她一个特别的礼物,感谢她这么多年对我的抚养和教育
My mother's birthday is a week away.I will give her something special to thank her for
bringing me up all these years.
5 她马上就要结婚了,这几天晚上总是激动的睡不着
She will soon get married, so she is always too excited to go to sleep these days.
6 你梦想中的婚礼是什么样子的?
What is your ideal / dream ?


1.How's the preparation of your daughter's wedding?
2.How's your wedding of next month prepared?
3.The arrangement of ourt wedding is almost done, and next we will send invitation cards out,th...


1.How's the preparation of your daughter's wedding?
2.How's your wedding of next month prepared?
3.The arrangement of ourt wedding is almost done, and next we will send invitation cards out,then picking up some stuffs we need
4.one week later comes my mother's birthday, I will prepare her a special gift for those years' fostering and education.
5.she will be marring soon,and can't fall asleep due to exciting
6. what's the wedding like in your dream?


How is your daughter's wedding going on?
How is your wedding going on in the next month?
Our wedding is ready. Next, we'll send the invitations and buy something.
My mother' birthday will ...


How is your daughter's wedding going on?
How is your wedding going on in the next month?
Our wedding is ready. Next, we'll send the invitations and buy something.
My mother' birthday will be come in a week, and I want to present her a special gift thanking her for raising and educating me these years.
She can't help falling to sleep because she is going to be married.
What does the weeding look like in your dream?


你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?英语怎么说1 你女儿的婚礼准备的怎样了?2 你下个月的婚礼准备的怎样了?3 我们的婚礼基本上准备好了,下一步我们要去发请帖了,还要采购一些东西4 1周后是妈妈 你在给谁写信呢?翻译1 你在给谁写信呢?2 你昨天给谁回的信 ?3 你的婚礼准备的怎样了?4 我的婚礼差不多准备好了,就等着婚礼那天了.5 这是谁写给你的信 ? 6 我们都不知道 这封信 是谁 我想参加你的婚礼用英语怎么说 你的女儿用英语怎么说 你的女儿用英语怎么说 你的女儿是艾米吗?英语怎么说 女儿的英语怎么说? “昨天,我的父母去参加他们朋友女儿的婚礼.我一个人在家.晚饭是自己做的……”英语怎么说?“昨天,我的父母去参加了他们朋友女儿的婚礼.我一个人在家.晚饭是我自己亲手做的.我觉得,我 女儿的婚礼请柬该怎样写 那些女孩是你的女儿吗?英语怎么说 她是你的女儿吗?(用英语怎么说?) “那是你的女儿吗?”用英语怎么说? 你的女儿是英语老师用英语怎么说 求助英语作文:你是Nancy,写封信给你的朋友,内容包括:(1)上个星期Eli给你发了请柬,邀请你参加他的女儿Lola在本周六下午举行的婚礼;(2)你参加不了,解释原因(如你已经答应了你的姐 女儿结婚,父母的婚礼祝词该怎么说呀?没有经验,请赐教! 叔叔的女儿英语怎么说 婚礼时牧师站的教堂的礼台用英语怎么说 我的儿子女儿们出来了用英语怎么说