帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:Is it true _______ tear down the old schoolhouse?B:Well,I don’t know.I hope it's not true.what they're going toare they going toif they're going tothat they're going toA:Look at this!This is not the ja

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 17:29:46

帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:Is it true _______ tear down the old schoolhouse?B:Well,I don’t know.I hope it's not true.what they're going toare they going toif they're going tothat they're going toA:Look at this!This is not the ja
A:Is it true _______ tear down the old schoolhouse?
B:Well,I don’t know.I hope it's not true.
what they're going to
are they going to
if they're going to
that they're going to
A:Look at this!This is not the jacket that I ordered on the Internet!
B:It sure isn't._______ is not always the same as what you see on the screen,apparently.
What do you get
What you get
Whatever you get
What to get
A:Do you know _________?
B:No,do you?
what the capital of Greenland
what the capital of Greenland is
what about the capital of Greenland
what is the capital of Greenland
A:I hope that everyone likes the new guy they just hired to join our team.
B:_______ or not is secondary.He just has to do his job well.
Whether everyone likes him
Does everyone like him
Everyone likes him
That everyone likes him
A:How are we going to decide who the winner is?
B:The same way we always do._______ the most points wins.Ready?Let's go.
Whatever scores
Whoever scores
Whomever scores
Who scores

帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:Is it true _______ tear down the old schoolhouse?B:Well,I don’t know.I hope it's not true.what they're going toare they going toif they're going tothat they're going toA:Look at this!This is not the ja
that they're going to
What you get
what is the capital of Greenland
Whether everyone likes him
Whoever scores

that they're going to
What you get
what is the capital of Greenland
Whether everyone likes him
Whoever scores

大家帮我看几道英语语法的题,需要正确率1. A world-renowned scientist said in an interview, We'll continue our intensive research until we _______ a cure for the disease. a. find b. will find c. 帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:Is it true _______ tear down the old schoolhouse?B:Well,I don’t know.I hope it's not true.what they're going toare they going toif they're going tothat they're going toA:Look at this!This is not the ja 大家帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率谢谢Snow _______ steadily in this city since early this morning and the meteorologists say that it will continue until tomorrow afternoon.had fallenhad been fallingis fallinghas been fallingBecause 大家帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率Harry and Mary are a retired couple.They _______ married for 42 years.arewerehave beenhad beenThey travel a lot.They _______ 48 countries together so far.They hope to visit 100 countries during their 请大家帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:The teacher says we _______ our assignment tomorrow if it's not ready today.B:Thank goodness!I need a little more time.can be turning inwill turn incould have turned incan turn inA:Excuse me,mis 大家帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率谢谢Alice:Nancy,have you heard?My sister's company _______ her a big promotion!Now she's a vice president!had just givenhas just givenhas just been givinghad just been givingNancy:That's great.She 帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:You _______ this package immediately!B:I'll take care of it right away.must be sentmust be sendingmust have sentmust sendA:This letter _______ by overnight mail.Don't just drop it off at the post office. 帮我看几道选择题需要正确率Port Adams is a small, quaint town located directly on the ocean. Since it has a wonderful white sand beach and good resort facilities, _______. the music from the local band is fascinating fishin 帮我看几道语法题需要正确率Anita's doctor wants her to cut down on fats. This will be difficult for her, as she is used _______ a lot of fried food. eat eating to eat to eating Whether or not we dec 帮我看几道英语选择题需要正确率A:Do you want to drive?B:No.I don't know the way to the lake.______ Olga is the one who knows how to get there,she should drive,don't you think?Even thoughWhether or notOnly ifSinceA:This morning I knew wi 大家帮我看几道英语选择题需要正确率谢谢The company president has just retired.She has already sold her house in the suburbs because she _______ to a small beach house in Florida next month.1.will move2.moves3.will have moved4.is mov 帮我做一道英语语法题,急 我需要英语语法大全 帮我看几道语法题需要正确率A:Did Masako apologize ______ the tea cup?B:Of course.It was just an accident.she breaksbreakingto breakfor breakingA:Thanks for going to the supermarket for me.B:You're welcome,but you know what I just realized 需要正确率, 英语语法帮我答下 如何提高高中英语语法正确率 【英语选择题】帮我对对,再做做下面的题~正确率最好是100%~90%