
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:22:49


That was a memorable day to me,for it made great changes in me.But,it is the same with any life.Imagine one selected day struck out of it,and think how different its course would have been.Pause you who read this,and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold,of thorns or flowers,that would never have bound you,but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day."
- Charles Dickens,Great Expectations
"I never had one hour's happiness in her society,and yet my mind all round the four-and-twenty hours was harping on the happiness of having her with me unto death."
- Charles Dickens,Great Expectations
"So now,as an infallible way of making little ease great ease,I began to contract a quantity of debt."
- Charles Dickens,Great Expectations
"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:when it is summer in the light,and winter in the shade."
"We spent as much money as we could,and got as little for it as people could make up their minds to give us.We were always more or less miserable,and most of our acquaintance were in the same condition.There was a gay fiction among us that we were constantly enjoying ourselves,and a skeleton truth that we never did.To the best of my belief,our case was in the last aspect a rather common one."
- Charles Dickens,Great Expectations
"All other swindlers upon earth are nothing to the self-swindlers,and with such pretenses did I cheat myself.Surely a curious thing.That I should innocently take a bad half-crown of somebody else's manufacture,is reasonable enough; but that I should knowingly reckon the spurious coin of my own make,as good money!"
- Charles Dickens,Great Expectations
"In a word,I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right,as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong."
- Charles Dickens,Great Expectations
"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears,for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth,overlying our hard hearts."

的英文版经典片段有没有啊,或者好段落都行,要英文的一定要是英文的 有没有英文电影经典段落的剧本啊? 三国演义原文经典段落关于三国演义的经典段落,要原文的精彩段落,富有精神.有哲理的,是好的都行! 有没有描写秋天硕果累累景象的诗句?或者是经典的片段也行. 谁知道一些关于爱与被爱的经典文章(博爱.母爱等等都行)不要只强调爱撒!有没有强调被爱的啊!或者两者对比的!最好是英文的啊! 有什么好的初中优美段落描写什么的都行, 谁有好段落,我要写读书笔记语文读书笔记要摘抄好段落,语意优美,含义深刻,或者是名人写的好诗句,都行的都行!快,越多越好, oliver twist《雾都孤儿》里面的好句和经典段落有吗?要英文的急用! 有没有两段表现人物精神品质的段落50字以上,越经典越好 英国人的时间观念(英文版)跪求关于英国人的时间观念,最好是英文版的,最好是文章或者段落都行,因为课堂需要~ 有没有一些经典的英文诗歌介绍啊? 有没有经典的英文故事 有没有比较富有哲理性的句子或者段落? 谁有《傲慢与偏见》、《双城记》原版英文小说的摘抄啊,只要是好的句子或者段落都可以啊,帮个忙啊、、亲~ 有没有经典英语语录或者句子的应用或者软件?iphone版的. 谁有秋天的环境描写?我要一篇的文章,完整的,不要片段!好的加分!急啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊阿阿!或者环境描写,不要片段,要文章,什么环境描写都行!! 谁有那中爱国的文章或者抒情段落啊?要散文,可以加几件事件.没有成型的文章好的段落也行(抒情和讲大道理的)急需! 我们英文老师让我们演一段英文短剧或者是经典英语片段,谁能帮帮我啊~~