it was raining heavily as i wasIt was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six o'clock on a Saturday morning.At this early hour there wasn't much traffic and there weren't many people.Just as I was crossing the road nea

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 11:08:35

it was raining heavily as i wasIt was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six o'clock on a Saturday morning.At this early hour there wasn't much traffic and there weren't many people.Just as I was crossing the road nea
it was raining heavily as i was
It was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six o'clock on a Saturday morning.At this early hour there wasn't much traffic and there weren't many people.Just as I was crossing the road near the top of the hill,a car came round the corner.It was travelling very fast.Suddenly it hit a lamp post and turned over.
I ran to the car to help the driver at once.He was badly hurt and there was a lot of blood on his face.A young woman hurried into the station and phoned for an ambulance while I took care of the driver.Many people came to see what happened,and there was nothing we could do.A policeman arrived a few minutes later and asked me a a lot of questions about the accident.
After a while the ambulance arrived and took the driver away to the hospital.
On Monday morning I went to the hospital to see the man.The doctor told me that he was much better.And he would leave hospital to see the man.The doctor told me that he was much better.And he would leave hospital after a few days' rest.
( ) 31.Where did the accident happen?
A.Near the school.B.Near the top of the hill.
C.In the school.D.Near the hospital.
( ) 32.What happened to the driver?
A.He drove the car very well.B.His car hit a lamp post.
C.His car turned over.D.Both B and C.
( ) 33.Who hurried to the station to ask for an ambulance?
A.The writer.B.A policeman.C.Some people.D.A young woman.
( ) 34.What did the policeman do?
A.He took the driver away.
B.He sent the driver to the hospital.
C.He asked the writer a lot of questions.
D.He phoned for an ambulance.
( ) 35.Was the driver dead at last?
A.Yes,he wasn't.B.No,he was.C.Yes,he was.D.No,he wasn't.

it was raining heavily as i wasIt was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six o'clock on a Saturday morning.At this early hour there wasn't much traffic and there weren't many people.Just as I was crossing the road nea
周六早上6点的时候,我翻过山丘走向车站,当时下着大雨.这么大早 ,车不多,行人也没多少.正当我走过小山丘顶的路时,一辆车从拐角处驶来.它开的很快,司机难以掌控车子,撞到了一个灯柱翻了过去.