
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 14:36:14


I'm an optimistic and self-motivated person.I like to live my life to the fullest.I'm a good observer and communicator,I'm willing to put all my passion and energy while working on this position; I'm a considerate and high productive person who's always trying to work in the most effective style.I'm also a good timer and very responsible.
BTW:would you like to add something like "I can get along with people easily" If it's a resume for the west employers surely they are looking for that...n' your description seems a bit too intense(trust me,put that phrase down,it's gonna save ur butt ...)
also "good timer" is really a common sense thing I'm not sure if it's good that you wanna emphasis that...It's necessary only if your employers are dealing with mainland business a lot (I heard about mainland people ain't good at time things..I'm not really sure cause I rarely deal with them on serious stuff)..or it will looks kind of unprofessional...like:Hey,man,you're running for a professional position and you're still talking about "on time"?Isn't this something you should already have gotta through in high school?
...if it's for the west people,ignore these if it's for east asian company...I don't know them...

I am optimistic, positive and enterprising people, like full compact living. Things have keen insight; can communicate well with others, to pay for all the work of energy and enthusiasm, careful, and ...


I am optimistic, positive and enterprising people, like full compact living. Things have keen insight; can communicate well with others, to pay for all the work of energy and enthusiasm, careful, and strive in the shortest possible time according to reach the target; the concept of time is strong, have strong sense of responsibility.


英语翻译我是一个乐观、积极进取的人,喜欢充实紧凑的生活.对事物有敏锐的洞察力;能很好得与人沟通,对负责的工作会付出全部精力和热情,细心谨慎,力争在最短时间内按质将目标达成; 英语翻译本人性格开朗活泼,自律自信.喜欢在乐观和充满幽默的环境中与别人和谐的合作,有较强的沟通能力和良好的团队合作精神.在工作中积极进取,责任心强,有一定的管理经验.希望贵公司 英语翻译我是一个乐观、开朗和积极向上的人,我的梦想是东山再起,重振雄风,考上一个大学,最好是重点大学,我喜欢天真烂漫和朝气的东西,生活不用想太多,永远快乐下去. 我是一个非常乐观的人.用英语怎么说? 我是一个乐观的人用英语怎么说? 我是一个乐观的人 600字 速. 初中作文我是一个乐观的人(600字) 我是一个乐观向上积极向上的人英文怎么写 我是一个女生,我是一个乐观,活泼,性格开朗,豪放的人,我要起一个英文名, 英语翻译亲爱的评委老师,你们好,我叫杜赫,来自美丽的冰城哈尔滨,我是一个性格温和,乐观向上的人,我爱好音乐,旅游,看书,我非常喜欢空保这个工作,因为我喜欢蓝天白云,我也希望我能给我 英语翻译我是来自@@学院的@@,很荣幸来参加这次世园会的面试.我是一个乐观、热心,喜欢与人交流的人,特长是.如果我有幸能被选上,我会用我的微笑和我的服务向来自五湖四海的游客展示一届 英语翻译各位评委老师好 我叫张杰 来自包公故里安徽合肥 我是一个活泼开朗 积极乐观 有责任心的阳光男孩 我平时喜欢看电视 特别是综艺节目 因为其中总是洋溢着欢乐的气氛 这也让我开 英语翻译你们好 我叫xxx我是一个自信乐观开朗真诚的人我喜欢酒店管理这个工作 并相信自己有能力在这个领域中有更大的发展 我希望贵酒店能给我这个发展的平台 我会用自己的能力证明自 英语翻译我是一个幽默活泼的男孩,喜欢交朋友 (我是一个乐观的女孩)用英语怎么说? 我是一个乐观的男孩600字作文 抒发了积极进取、乐观向上的豪迈情怀的诗句有哪些、 用英语翻译句子 我是一个喜欢交朋友的外向的人 要求用定语从旬