The stolen car was found at the foot of the mountainA abandoning B abandoned C to abandon Dbeing abandoned

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 18:22:44

The stolen car was found at the foot of the mountainA abandoning B abandoned C to abandon Dbeing abandoned
The stolen car was found at the foot of the mountain
A abandoning B abandoned C to abandon Dbeing abandoned

The stolen car was found at the foot of the mountainA abandoning B abandoned C to abandon Dbeing abandoned
B abandoned

Is he the man?His car was stolen .Is he the man?His car was stolen用whose变定语 My car was being_______when it was stolen. The car was stolen from the park,It was found by the police. The man whose car was stolen called the police和The man called the police who car was stolen.有什么区别 ------his car was stolen,the man called the police quicklyATo find BFinding CFound DBeing found 英语语法:He is the man whose car was stolen .这句话whose是什么用法 the man is our neighour.his car was stolen last night.合并为一个定语从句 A suitcase with shirt,rousers and shoes was stolen from the car.中文 The man stealing the car was arrested是错的,那这个呢?Having stolen the car,the man was arrested. The stolen car was found at the foot of the mountainA abandoning B abandoned C to abandon Dbeing abandoned While _____in the parking lot,the car was stolen.A.park B.parked C.parking D.stop.为何选B? He is the man whose car was stolen.他就是汽车被窃的那个人.He is the man whose car was stolen.他就是汽车被窃的那个人句子中的whose 可不可以换做who为什么. Her money in the drawer was stolen. 一个语法填空题Finishing their shopping at the supermarket,a middle-aged couple found their new car ____ (steal).按意思的话 应该是 “车被偷” 为什么答案是“stolen”不填“was stolen”? the bicycle was stolen.dan was robbedrobbed和stolen有什么区别 Today,my car was stolen.From my driveway.From my driveway.By the guy who sold it to me.求翻译 为什么说He admitted having stolen the car 而不说He admitted stealing the car? 短文改错One day,Mrs Hong went to the car park to get her car.When she got to the car park ,she finds that someone had stolen his car .So she rushed to the police station and.told the police about it.So ,the next morning,the car was in its usual p