加油!你会赶上他们的___ ___!you will___ ___ ___them

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 11:21:22

加油!你会赶上他们的___ ___!you will___ ___ ___them
加油!你会赶上他们的___ ___!you will___ ___ ___them

加油!你会赶上他们的___ ___!you will___ ___ ___them
Come on!You will catch up with them.

Come on
keep up with

加油!你会赶上他们的___ ___!you will___ ___ ___them 中译英:加油!你会赶上他们的.____ ____!You'll ____ ____ _____ them. 写出含有括号字母组合的单词,病史他们在词中的读音相同.p(ar)k ___ ___ ___ ___ gl(ass) ___ ___ ___ ___ st(ea)l ___ ___ ___ ___ f(ee)l ___ ___ ___ ___ c(er)tain ___ ___ ___ ___ c(ir)cle ___ ___ ___ ___ st(are) ___ ___ ___ ___ (ear 你会做饭吗?can you ___ ___ ___? 你会用木材做飞机模型吗?Can you___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ wood? 一道英语填空题~你必须戒烟,否则会对你的健康有害的.You must ___ ___ ___,or it's ___ ___ your___. 根据中文提示,完成英语句子你知道去他家的路吗?Do you know___ ___ ___his house?让他们不要在河里游泳.Let___ ___ ___in the river.顺着中心大街走,邮电局就在你左边.___ ___Center Street and the post ffice is on yo 如果你锻炼再多一些,你会更健康的.lf you take ____ exercise,you ___ ___ ___. would like to 的近义词翻译句子你会很快习惯这里的天气的You will soon ___ ___ ___ ___ ___here.温蒂和朱迪两人都会唱歌Wendy and Judy ___ ___ ___.你能记住我刚才说什么了吗?Can you remeber ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. 你会病倒的,除非好好休息 You will be ill ___你会病倒的,除非好好休息.You will be ill ___.他们明天一到,我们就告诉你.I will tell you ___.他们正在看电视,这时有人敲门.Someone knocked at the door ___.王老师 这___的一切,哪个不是我的朋友?我热切地跟他们打招呼;你好,___!你___,___?____!你___,___?这是一道小学的内容,要求写一段话把句子补充完整, 两个___的物体,当他们做___时,在___上会产生一种___的力,这种力叫做摩擦力 Show what ___ ___ ___ 展示你能做的 ___ ___ ___,I will take work with you (填空)有空的时候,我会和你去散步的 在我6岁的时候,他带我出去兜风.He took me ___ ___ ___ when I was six.他们用水把火浇灭了.They ___ ___ the fire with water.要我开车去接你吗?Shall I come to ___ ___ ___ 他们正忙着收割庄稼.They were busy ___ ___ the c 你能说出你不来的理由 Can you say out ___ ___ ___ not ___?这样,他发明了电灯泡 ___ ___ ___ ,he invented the light bullb你知道它的危害吗?Do you know ___ ___ ___ it 会几个答几个. 他们一定会用巧克力来招待你们的 they must give you ___ ___ ___ ___ . 你能写出这几位作家的原名吗?冰心___老舍___巴金___鲁讯___矛盾___丁玲___