请按照下面三个例句,完成后面三个句子I'm busy with my work,and i have no time for sports.Mr wang is busy with his work.He has no time for his family.Mr Jones' mother is busy with her children.She has no time for her own hobbies

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:49:32

请按照下面三个例句,完成后面三个句子I'm busy with my work,and i have no time for sports.Mr wang is busy with his work.He has no time for his family.Mr Jones' mother is busy with her children.She has no time for her own hobbies
I'm busy with my work,and i have no time for sports.Mr wang is busy with his work.He has no time for his family.Mr Jones' mother is busy with her children.She has no time for her own hobbies

请按照下面三个例句,完成后面三个句子I'm busy with my work,and i have no time for sports.Mr wang is busy with his work.He has no time for his family.Mr Jones' mother is busy with her children.She has no time for her own hobbies
My classmates are busy with their work.They have no time for TV.

请按照下面三个例句,完成后面三个句子I'm busy with my work,and i have no time for sports.Mr wang is busy with his work.He has no time for his family.Mr Jones' mother is busy with her children.She has no time for her own hobbies 请在“家”“牵挂”中任选一个词,按照下面示例的形式写三个句子.请在“家园”“思念”中任选一个词,按照下面示例的形式写三个句子.要求每个句子都采用比喻和比拟两种修辞手法,三个 按照例句完成表格 按照要求完成下面的句子 请按照前面图形变化的规律画出后面三个图形 请按照例句完成表格.Verb I feel...because...excite I feel excited because the football match is exciting.interestrelaxpleaseboreworryannoyfrightendisappoint 下面这三个句子是什么意思? physics是什么意思(完成句子)三个句子. pay attention后面接句子怎么用?例句:请注意所有的工作最好在这个星期六完成. 我是一名幼儿教师急需帮忙用词扩三个句子,请仿照下面的例句进行练习太阳:太阳升起来了;红红的太阳升起来了;红红的太阳从东方升起来了.池塘,草原,树林,海洋. 英语:请写出三个不同时态的被动语态例句,并写出每个例句的汉语意思写完句子后别忘了把汉语意思写一下, 英语:请写出三个不同时态的被动语态例句,并写出每个例句的汉语意思写完句子后别忘了把汉语意思写一下, 仿写(春天像刚落地的娃娃,从头到脚都是新的)请在“家园”“思念”中任选一个词,按照下面示例的形式写三个句子.要求每个句子都采用比喻和比拟两种修辞手法,三个句子的内容有内在联 I like music.I再造三个句子 仿照例句写排比句请仿照下面的示例写三个句子 要求三个句子构成排比句句意逐步加强示例:一朵浪花,是一个跳动的音符;一排浪花,是一组激昂的旋律;一江浪花,是一部换了生命的乐章. 英语翻译请翻译下面三个词:思特来来思特宝多罗 仿照下面的示例,自选话题,另写三个句子,要求所写的句子形成排比,句式与例句相同.例:命运是可以...仿照下面的示例,自选话题,另写三个句子,要求所写的句子形成排比,句式与例句相同.例: 用If.I will造三个句子