
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:16:12


早在1969年,Goldsmith利用35个国家1860-1963年间的数据进行实证检验,证明金融资产结构调整与产业结构升级之间存在相关关系.Beck和Levine(2002),Chang和Caudill(2005),Luintel 、Khan 、Arestis和Theodoridis(2008)等进一步证实了这一结论.Christopoulos和Tsionas(2004)从发展中国家视角,苏振天(2008)、韩晓明(2010)从省域视角,范方志、张立军(2003)从区域比较视角也均证实金融资产结构调整是产业结构升级的重要促进因素.Angelos、Nicholas和Chris(2011)等通过对世界29个国家20个行业数据样本进行实证检验,发现双向格兰杰因果关系在金融资产结构调整与产业结构升级之间的确存在.与以上观点不同的是,Atindehou和Gueyie(2005)、Adjasi和Biekpe (2006)等的研究发现金融资产结构调整对产业结构升级的影响基本可以忽略,Gries和Kraft(2009)等的研究发现金融资产结构调整与产业结构升级之间并不存在因果关系.

Upgradingof industrial structure plays a key role in the transformation of economicgrowth mode. Whereas the financial asset serves as a core element forindustrial development, the structural feature of the financial asset isregarded as one of the key factors which will affect or even determine theindustrial structure, and therefore, is surely to impose essential influenceson the upgrading of industrial structure of a country or a region. But, untilnow, there still exist many disputes within the academic circles upon the way,direction, scale and other matters concerning the interaction between thestructural adjustment of financial asset and the upgrading of industrialstructure.
Asearly as 1969, Goldsmith had completed an empirical test on the basis of thedata (1860-1963) sourced from 35 countries, and proved that a correlationexists between the structural adjustment of financial asset and the upgradingof industrial structure. This conclusion had been further confirmed by Beck& Levine (2002),Chang & Caudill (2005), Luintel , Khan , Arestis &Theodoridis (2008). It wasconfirmed that the structural adjustment of financial asset is an importantmotivator for the upgrading of industrial structure, from the view based ondeveloping countries by Christopoulos & Tsionas (2004), or from the view based on provincialregion by Su Zhentian (2008) & Han Xiaoming (2010), or from the view basedon regional comparison by Fan Fanzhi & Zhang Lijun (2003). Upon anempirical test conducted by Angelos, Nicholas & Chris (2011)et alii on the data samples from 20 industries in 29 countries, it was foundthat a bidirectional Granger Causality does exist between the structuraladjustment of financial asset and the upgrading of industrial structure. Differentfrom the above opinions, the studies by Atindehou & Gueyie (2005),Adjasi & Biekpe (2006) et aliihad found that the influences of the structural adjustment of financial assetupon the upgrading of industrial structure could be neglected by and large; andthe studies by Gries & Kraft (2009) et alii had found that no causalrelationship exists between the structural adjustment of financial asset andthe upgrading of industrial structure.