求英译中,不要机译的.Ittakes only a tiny magnetic field to see clear through a person’s head,a new study shows.A method called ultra-low field magneticresonance imaging (MRI) has captured its first,blurry shots of a human brain,revealing ac

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:04:01

求英译中,不要机译的.Ittakes only a tiny magnetic field to see clear through a person’s head,a new study shows.A method called ultra-low field magneticresonance imaging (MRI) has captured its first,blurry shots of a human brain,revealing ac
Ittakes only a tiny magnetic field to see clear through a person’s head,a new study shows.A method called ultra-low field magneticresonance imaging (MRI) has captured its first,blurry shots of a human brain,revealing activity as well as structure.
MRI scanners image the human body by detecting how hydrogenatoms respond to magnetic fields.Theytypically require fields of a few tesla—about 10,000 to 100,000 times strongerthan the Earth’s magnetic field.The powerful magnets necessary make scannerspricey and also dangerous for people with metal implants.
Thenew device hits a sample with a 30 millitesla magnetic field,about 100 timesweaker than is normally used in MRI.The device then uses a 46 microteslamagnetic field—about the same as the Earth’s magnetic field—to capture imagesof the sample.
The first target for the device wasthe head of lead researcher Vadim Zotev of Los Alamos
National Laboratory in New Mexico,US.
“Thecost of MRI can be reduced dramatically,” Zotev says.The new set-up usesseveral ultra-sensitive sensors called superconducting quantum interferencedevices (SQUIDs),which have to be kept at very low temperatures.“The mostexpensive part of our system is the liquid helium cryostat,which costs about$20,000,” Zotev adds.

求英译中,不要机译的.Ittakes only a tiny magnetic field to see clear through a person’s head,a new study shows.A method called ultra-low field magneticresonance imaging (MRI) has captured its first,blurry shots of a human brain,revealing ac
该设备的第一个目标就是美国新墨西哥州阿拉莫斯科学实验室的主管研究员--Vadim Zotev的头部.
Zotev说道 “核磁共振的成本有可能被大大降低”.该新设备使用了几个敏感传感器--超导量子干涉器件,该设备必须要保持在超低温度下.Zotev补充道“我们系统中最昂贵的部分就是液氦低温恒温器,价值两万美金”