
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:30:43


Parrot is a parrot,the parrot Branch,is a kind of colorful birds.Worldwide there are more than 340 kinds of parrots,belonging to six subfamily ,70 --- 80 genera.Including produced in the East Indies,Australia and the United States,such as crown parrots,短尾parrots,love parrots,King Kong parrots,Elliot parrots,etc.
Detailed referrals:
Parrot,the smallest size is produced in New Guinea and nearby islands Jurassic parrots,length only 8.4 cm.The largest is produced in South America Jingang parrots,height was up to 1 meter.However,this was attributed to the very long tail.Produced in the短尾parrots New Guinea Although so long,but it can be over weight
A parrot's beak bending hooks,legs shorter.Before and after their two-toe feet,走起路来looks very strange,but爬起tree is able to.This time,their beaks often help him out.Parrot tongue厚而strong,can skillfully playing with their food -------- seeds and fruits.Fresh nectar mainly to the短尾parrot tongue is very long,like our tongue brush.
Parrot mainly on the color green,but there are many exceptions.Some American parrot mainly to blue and yellow.Many parrot wings are red.The bright colors when several短尾parrot.They mainly to the red and green color message blue,purple,brown,yellow and black.US crown parrots are basically white and black,and occasionally some yellow,red can be romance.
Parrots are located in the Waterloo holes.Tree holes,white ant pile up holes,rocks,holes,there are holes on the ground of their home.Only produced in South Africa Monk parrots (Elliot a parrot) exceptions,they use twigs to build their own nest great.In most cases,these nests are common,but each has its own on the Monk parrots import and export.So sometimes,their nests will be great to support its branches to crushed.
The mid-20th Century,many of Monk parrots imported to the United States had when笼鸟.These monks were imprisoned parrot some unwilling,the more cage flee.More from the masters of their release,because they could not tolerate their rowdy.These Monk parrots later they do well adapted to temperate climates,many regions in the United States to breed.But they still unpopular,as they have in Africa hometown destruction of crops,bad reputation.
People like keeping parrots,mainly because they are good at imitating and other voices.,Which was the height 30 cm,has a short tail of red gray parrot most successful.Experiments proved that it can be the cognitive capability of the Western and compared to primates.Amazon parrot is the most good American parrot talking parrot.
Distribution Information:
Parrot major habitat in tropical regions,only a few fly to the North and the South temperate regions.Distribution is the largest region in South America,Australia,New Guinea and nearby islands.Africa and the Asian mainland species less.
Located in China's central and southern regions of the red from green parrots,Fei chest parrot,the parrot chest Fei,spent the first parrots,the first gray parrot,Elliot parrots,短尾parrot,and so are my two animal protection.
Endangered reasons:
Because of a large number capture and keeping parrots,many parrots out of their original living environment,resulting in the danger of facing extinction.Every year,thousands of parrots illegally or legally Strip into Europe and North America,many of the dead in the road.To protect the parrot's survival,the best approach is in addition to existing笼鸟,no longer capture wild parrots are kept.For this reason,many countries have strict restrictions capture,output and input parrot.But there are many lawbreakers always turned a deaf ear.Australia parrots,Bahamas parrots,and parrots,red-mei,parrots,such as red-tailed parrot dozens of parrots have been facing the danger of extinction.
