英语翻译我应该知道是,我没带我的笔,能用你的吗?但是with me,怎么翻译啊?求老湿》~《

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:36:55

英语翻译我应该知道是,我没带我的笔,能用你的吗?但是with me,怎么翻译啊?求老湿》~《
我应该知道是,我没带我的笔,能用你的吗?但是with me,怎么翻译啊?求老湿》~《

英语翻译我应该知道是,我没带我的笔,能用你的吗?但是with me,怎么翻译啊?求老湿》~《
with me 就是在我身边的意思啦.
直译是 我没有把钢笔带在身边.

156. Meet for the first time 157. nice meeting you 158. go away 159. in one’s opinion 160. summer vacation 161. a general idea 162. find out 163. right now 164. from dawn until dark 165. go on doing s...


156. Meet for the first time 157. nice meeting you 158. go away 159. in one’s opinion 160. summer vacation 161. a general idea 162. find out 163. right now 164. from dawn until dark 165. go on doing sth 166. by the lights of 167. as a result 168. pump water 169. run along channels 170. on an open fire 171. get some sleep 172. give one’s regards to sb. 173. be leaving 174. that’s nice of sb. 175. send sb. Best wishes 176. follow sb.’s instructions 177. by the side of 178. wash hands with soap 179. at the end of 180. a little man with glasses 181. have a way of doing sth. 182. castor oil 183. dip sth.into sth. 184. hold up 185. instead of 186. make a face 187. suck a finger 188. look pleased 189. have difficulty in doing sth 190. Have difficulty with sth. 191. Take exams 192. quite follow sb. 193. know about 194. written English 195. more or less 196. spelling difference 197. stay the same 198. just as 199. way of life 200. bring in 201. I guess 202. elder brother 203. go off to Guangzhou 204. see sb.off 205. take a taxi 206. a friend of mine 207. by air /sea 208. say Hi to A. from B. 209. have a good trip 210. go to a place for holiday 211. sit on a rock 212. travel by road 213. tie the boat to a tree 214. by the river bank 215. all night long 216. be just about to do sth. 217. Shout at sb. 218. Sharp teeth 219. for miles and miles 220. nothing except / but 221. at a high price 222. plant crops 223. stay long 224. sow seed 225. cover a.with b. 226. so that 227. in rows 228. in the field 229. from now on 230. in or around 231. in order to 232. be carried away down the hills and into the rivers 233. cut down 234. in the area 235. a forest programme 236. twice a year 237. make sure 238. knock sb. down 239. obey the rules 240. break the rules 241. in the past 242. wash away 243. take a look at 244. take a picnic 245. do a lot of walking 246. good news 247. a great many 248. be agreed on 249. grow to 250. supply sb. Sth 251. all over the country 252. at least 253. at the crossing 254. be sent abroad 255. plenty of 256. one …another …a third 257. as soon as possible 258. open a. to b. 259. set up 260. a training centre 261. Spend ...in doing / on sth. 262. As follows 263. Sound like 264. Fall off / down 265. For quite a while 266. A great part of 267. On the morning of 268. The number of 269. As many as 270. American’s second 271. strongest earthquake 272. Cut off 273. At 5.3 centimetres a year 274. The Pacific plate 275. As a result of 276. Be ten times more than 277. In and around 278. It is said that 279. Decide whether to do sth. or not 280. Do one’s best to do sth. 281. May have to 282. Change a. For b. 283. A waste of money 284. Make a decision 285. Go up 286. bring down 287. get sb. To do sth. 288. Be used to do sth. 289. Keep a record [ ] 290. Thanks to 291. At one time 292. Make plans for 293. Both at home and abroad 294. Decide to do sth. 295. The buying of tickets 296. Many more people 297. Prefer to do sth. 298. Be welcome 299. Take up more space 300. Be on the team 301. Every four years 302. Take part in /join in / compete in 303. Gold medals 304. Used to do sth. 305. Hear of 306. On / over / through the radio 307. The modern values of 308. Once more 309. Be thought to be 310. Be well thought of 311. Make fun of sb. 312. Be angry with society 313. Not just…but… 314. Remain the same as before 315. The more,the better. 316. That’s easy said than done. 317. Go with 318. Give advice to sb. 319. From month to month 320. Write to sb. 321. Tens of thousands of 322. Be well received 323. Be of great help 324. Short-wave 325. Write to/ about/write for 326. Fight against, fight for 327. Be on 328. An end to sth. 329. She did all (that )she could (do) to help him 330. She did what she could do to help him. 331. No more than=only 332. In one’s spare time 333. President of the USA. 334. Break out, break into , 335. break down 336. Grow rich on sth. 337. Early the next morning 338. Be sad at sth. 339. A.Consider B. To be. 340. Sb. Be considered to be. 341. Be beaten to death 342. Measure a. With b. 343. Get along well with 344. Junior middle school 345. Ask sb. For sth. 346. Tell lie 347. A reply to sb. From Senior Book Two 348. Have noodles for lunch 349. Advise sb. To do sth. 350. Have a good rest 351. Nothing serious 352. Take the medicine 353. Get a cough / headache 354. I suggest sb. Do sth. 355. And so on 356. Be measured in calories 357. Burn up 358. As much / many as 359. Be rich / low /high in 360. In the form of 361. Scores of 362. Put on /Lose weight 363. Look out 364. Be on fire / catch fire 365. In that case 366. Turn the gas off 367. Sound the fire alarm 368. Leave by the exit 369. Be trapped by 370. Belong to 371. In the ceiling of 372. Fire escape 373. Flat roof 374. Get close to 375. There be sb.doing sth. 376. Collect money 377. There be sth. done 378. Wildlife project 379. At present 380. Long ago 381. The number of sth. 382. It is hoped that 383. Research centre 384. Look older than one’s age 385. Be invited to 386. An evening dress 387. Wear jewellery 388. Marry a man 389. Call on sb. 390. Sth. look nice on sb. 391. Pay back 392. Be worth 393. At the most 394. Women doctors 395. Get to the top of 396. Pick up 397. To one’s surprise 398. It seems that… 399. For a moment or two 400. For a reason 401. Offer sth. to sb. 402. Think of / think about 403. Be cross 404. Look down upon sb. 405. Kind –hearted 406. In the beginning 407. Carve sth on the stones 408. Come out 409. Back-to –front 410. The problem with sth. 411. Metal pot 412. Fishing net 413. Beat again and again 414. Be beaten flat 415. Be dried in a sheet 416. A paper-making factory 417. Catch / Have a cold 418. Come across sb. 419. Cut up 420. Native language 421. Make London the base 422. Praise sb. For sth. 423. In one’s fifties 424. Give advice on sth. 425. A doctor’s degree 426. Housing problem 427. Be supported by sb. 428. Close friends 429. Close with words… 430. Be puzzled 431. Translate a. into b. 432. Make progress 433. Before long /long before 434. Be separated from 435. Stand for 436. Be made up of 437. Be famous for 438. Lie on the River Thames 439. Be divided into 440. Fall of snow 441. Be full of / be filled with 442. Live on potatoes 443. Keep in touch with sb. 444. Go to church 445. Play an important part in 446. Join together 447. Feel like doing sth. 448. On the edge of sth. 449. The River Nile 450. Man-made project 451. All through the year 452. The water level 453. Rise by 63 metres 454. Be in danger 455. Stone by stone 456. Last 4 years 457. Work on sth. 458. Be marked with a 459. Go From across the lake 460. At breakfast 461. In danger 462. Make a good effort 463. Date from 464. Be busy with 465. Knock out of 466. Point out 467. Turn over 468. Go against 469. Year after/by year 470. Agree to do sth. 471. Now and then 472. Give a talk 473. Instruction for doing sth. 474. In the following spring 475. Remove weeds 476. Send out 477. Get through 478. Ring sb. Back / up 479. Attend the meeting 480. A bit surprised 481. May I have your attention 482. Be lucky to do sth. 483. Make a. known to b. 484. An expert on sth. 485. Receive an invitation 486. Accept the invitation 487. Make a careless mistake 488. Be out of breath 489. Turn down 490. Live concert 491. Ring off 492. Pop star 493. For free 494. Become interested in 495. Form a pop group 496. Manage to do sth. 497. See sth. for oneself 498. Persuade sb. To do sth. 499. Fly sb. For free
t※hy晶Θzㄋ▼nⅷzㄋ▼c□y晶ΘvrЁ75784255772011-9-13 22:18:29


get my pen with me 是作为一个整体翻译的,你不用纠结于它的翻译。

英语翻译我应该知道是,我没带我的笔,能用你的吗?但是with me,怎么翻译啊?求老湿》~《 碰到带绝对值的式子就不知道怎么下手;也不知道怎样去绝对值,我应该怎么办?是哪些没掌握嘛? 我的英语书没带, 英语翻译3月去加拿大旅行,一路都国际沙发客,借宿外国朋友家.求借宿能用的上的所有完整英语.搜了半天也没找到.例如,见了面寒暄几句,进门应该先换拖鞋吧?我打算问:我有带干净的拖鞋,我 没有人知道我在哪 英语翻译 我左右眼视力都4.9,那我的屈光度应该是多少(我13,没带眼镜)我左右眼视力都4.那我的屈光度应该是多少(我13,没带眼镜)请通俗的回答 英语翻译我不想将来说那是我应该没做的就是应该做的,但没做 无理数都是带根号的吗?我知道带根号的不一定是无理数,但是无理数都能用根号表示么? 英语翻译我的朋友从国外给我带来礼物.我想说: 当我知道你要来中国的时候,我就肯定你一定回给我带礼物的. 应该用英语怎么说? 错的是我,不是你.谁能用英语翻译一下. 英语翻译我不知道你已经下线(指网络)啦,玩滑板的男孩子都很帅,下次再见!如果说,:我没注意到你已经下线了,应该怎么表达 英语翻译对你的爱没那么痴狂,是因为我知道你不怎么接受我.算了这样没意思. 英语翻译我也不知道单词打错了没,这是我戒指上的,看不什么清楚 英语翻译用Water Margin来表示水浒传,其中的Margin应该怎么解释呢?话说回来,我还没弄清楚这“浒”带着什么样的含义, 英语翻译我没分了,我只知道大概意思 - - 如题,我的笔记本没带. 我的历史没带回家 英语翻译*/*_/_/_ _ _应该有加密我知道出来的是EA66O但我要将它解密