一道初一英语有关现在分词的选择题,There is a boy___for money on the road.A.ask.B.asking.C.asks.D.Is asking 想了半天,不知缘由,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 19:07:02

一道初一英语有关现在分词的选择题,There is a boy___for money on the road.A.ask.B.asking.C.asks.D.Is asking 想了半天,不知缘由,
There is a boy___for money on the road.
A.ask.B.asking.C.asks.D.Is asking

一道初一英语有关现在分词的选择题,There is a boy___for money on the road.A.ask.B.asking.C.asks.D.Is asking 想了半天,不知缘由,
there be (a/an) sb doing(动词是sb主动发出的)
如 there is a boy seeing the TV(看是boy做的动作)
there be (a/an) sb done (sb被做)
如 there is a boy praised (表扬的对象是boy,而且这个动作不是boy表扬别人,而且被别人表扬)

选B There be + 主语 + doing +介词短语.

there is sb. doing sth.
表示 这有某人正在做某事。


一道初一英语有关现在分词的选择题,There is a boy___for money on the road.A.ask.B.asking.C.asks.D.Is asking 想了半天,不知缘由, 有关绝对值的一道选择题, 初一英语动词和现在分词有哪些 一道与万有引力有关的物理选择题 初一英语现在分词双写的单有哪些?最好注明汉语.谢 初一英语现在分词有哪些?尽量多举多点例子,够写一张的 sweep the floor的现在分词形式 一道英语语法选择题 英语高手来下the invention of the modern computer is one of the great contributions ( )to man's efficiency.B.having ever been made 这个选项作定语为什么不行啊不是现在分词作定语可以的吗请详 Those stones,each weighing as much as four tons,came from the Alps Mountains.现在分词weighing在句中什么作用?定语?这是一道选择题,为什么不选动词不定式to weigh 大一微积分的一道选择题 有关函数连续性的 一道有关名著的选择题(朝花夕拾,骆驼祥子) 求一道有关吸热反应的化学选择题. 求问各位学贯中西的英语大师教我几道初一英语题:teachers( )括号填所有格 run( )括号里填现在分词 连词成句:is,in,one,the,he,most,world,writers,the,of,famous write的现在分词写出现在分词 全部的选择题 怎么写 初一英语 现在分词与过去分词作状语的一道选择题( )his high status,it is really hard for us to oppose his joining us in going to teach children there.Aconsidering Bconsidered疑惑:主句中It是形式主语,那么分词的逻辑主 clean的现在分词 drink的现在分词