/ their homework,the children went for a walk.a:having done ; b;after they have done 为什么不能用B

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 02:14:21

/ their homework,the children went for a walk.a:having done ; b;after they have done 为什么不能用B
/ their homework,the children went for a walk.a:having done ; b;after they have done

/ their homework,the children went for a walk.a:having done ; b;after they have done 为什么不能用B
应该是习惯问题吧,they 是有指代的,应该先把指代的人物写出来,要改成
After the children have done their homework,they went for a walk.




如果B改为:after they had done,应该可以


B时态不对。如果用After they had done就可以

若想选B则必须用过去完成时,和后面的主句时间先后区分开。A其实表达出来了“过去的过去”这种过去完成时的意思,只不过因为宾语“the homework”和主语“the children”的主宾关系,所以having done表示主动.

你可以参考一下这个,按照2 里面说的,即使选择b也应该是完成时,而不是现在完成时。b选项是现在完成时啊。所以不选择
1. 用作连词是词,它引导的时间状语从句如果具有将来意义,往往要用一般现在时来表示(有时也用现在完成时),而不能直接用一般将来时。如:
误:I’ll tell him after you wil leave.
正:I’ll tell him after yo...


你可以参考一下这个,按照2 里面说的,即使选择b也应该是完成时,而不是现在完成时。b选项是现在完成时啊。所以不选择
1. 用作连词是词,它引导的时间状语从句如果具有将来意义,往往要用一般现在时来表示(有时也用现在完成时),而不能直接用一般将来时。如:
误:I’ll tell him after you wil leave.
正:I’ll tell him after you leave (或have left). 你走了之后我再告诉他。
注:(1) 具有以上性质的时间连词还有when, as soon as, until 等以及条件连词if。
(2) 选择一般现进或现在完成进(表示将来意义)的基本原则是:如果强调从句 动作在主句动作之前完成,则用现在完成时;如果强调主从句动作 同时发 生,或几乎同时发生(尤其是当从句的谓语动词是get, arrive, see, hear, leave, return等表示迅速完成的动作的动词时),多用一般现在时(有时 两种时态都可以)。如;
I’ll leave when he comes back. 他回来后我就离开。(from www.zkenglish.com)
I will give my opinion when I have read the book through. 我把书看完了再提意见。
We’ll leave as soon as it stops (或has stopped) raining. 雨停我们就动身。
2. 一般说来,如果在过去某一时间内先后发生了两个动作,那么先发生的动作用过去完成时,后发生的动作用一般过去时。但是若用连词after 来连接这两个动作,由于after本身已说明了两个动作的先后关系,所以两者均可用一般过去时。如:
After he (had) closed the door, he left the house. 关了门之后,他就离开了家。
注:类似这种性质的时间连词还有before, as soon as等。
3. 有时以连词after引导的时间状语从句可以换成一个以介词after引导介词短语或以连词after引导的分词短语,而意义不变。如:
He went to school after he had breakfast (=after breakfast). 吃了早饭之后,他就去上学了。
After l had finished (=After having finished / After finishing / Having我干完活后就去睡觉了。
4. after还可用作副词,意为“后来”或“(一段时间)以后”,通常要放在另一时间副词之后。如:
We arrived soon (或just / shortly) after. 我们不久就到了。
He returned twenty years after. 20年后他回来了。
注:(1) 在非正式文体中,after也可放在其它词之后。如:
We had dinner and went home after. 我们吃了饭,后来就回家了。
(2) two days after=after two days=two days later.
