你发的My pleasant Trip为题写一篇作文这个的第1篇的意思能给我一下吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:38:47

你发的My pleasant Trip为题写一篇作文这个的第1篇的意思能给我一下吗?
你发的My pleasant Trip为题写一篇作文这个的第1篇的意思能给我一下吗?

你发的My pleasant Trip为题写一篇作文这个的第1篇的意思能给我一下吗?
Last sunday my best friend and I had a pleasant trip in the sun island park.It was at the time of Snow and Ice festival so there were many tourists all around the world visiting the park to see the famous snow and ice carving.The park was very beautiful and the ground was covered with the white and clean snow and we can see many delicate carvings in the park.It gave us a feeling that we were in a fairy tale world and both of us enjoyed it very much.上周日我和我的好朋友一起去太阳到公园游览.因为正是冰雪节期间所以有很多来自世界各地的游客到公园来看著名的冰雕和雪雕.公园非常美丽,公园的土地都被洁白的雪覆盖着,我们在公园里能看到很多精美的雕刻.它给我们的感觉时我们好像是置身于童话世界一样,我和我的朋友玩得都非常高兴.


你发的My pleasant Trip为题写一篇作文这个的第1篇的意思能给我一下吗? My pleasant Trip为题写一篇作文请以“My pleasant Trip”为题,写你记忆中的一次愉快的旅行(100到130个词) My pleasant Trip为题写一篇作文50~60字 以“My Pleasant Trip”为题写一篇短文,要求通顺,达意,80词左右 My pleasant trip 英语作文怎么写?要符合点的 初3的 My Pleasant Trip为题的英文短文60-80词的游记 以my pleasant trip为题,写一次你记忆中愉快的旅行.3Q以my pleasant trip为题,写一次你记忆中愉快的旅行.要求:1.请叙述本次旅行的时间、地点、人物等 2.体现出是一次愉快的旅行 3.80个词左右 pleasant定语 pleased表语 一直我都知道pleasant定语 pleased表语,但是今天复习初二下册的英语书时,发现有一句是The trip is pleasant.难道两者可以替换? 怎么布局文章的结构呢?请你根据提示,试着完成以下三篇文章吧!My Last School Trip(1)I had a pleasant trip last weekend.……My last school trip(2)……So we had a terrible school trip.My last school trip(3)……but luckil 英语作文《A pleasant trip》 如下题 分很高My Last School Trip(1)I had a pleasant school trip last weekend._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 用My pleasant trip写一篇80字作文,咋写 my last school trip(三篇.有要求)My Last School Trip(1)I had a pleasant school trip last weekend._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 以my last school trip为题 完成三篇英语文章My Last School Trip(1)I had a pleasant school trip last weekend._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 以My last school trip为题,完成三篇文章My Last School Trip(1)I had a pleasant school trip last weekend.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 英语作文 My Last School TripMy Last School Trip (1) I had a pleasant school trip last weekend _______________________.My Last School Trip (2) ___________________ so we had a terrible school trip.My Last School Trip (3) _____________________but lu My pleasant trip to Beijing 英语作文70字或60字请以My pleasant trip to Beijing 为题,根据提示和要求写一次记忆中的愉快旅行提示:1.请叙述这次旅游的时间地点人物及有哪些活动2.体验出是一次愉快的 求翻译:what a pleasant trip they had to hongkong.'pleasant'的词性(名词……)单词的翻译