The farmer said he saw __UFO in the sky the other day.1 a 2 the 1 ___old man under __tree is over 90 years old .1 an the 2 the a 3 the the 4 an / 3 ( 为什么要用the 而上一题又用a ,under the tree 是固定用法吗?)We haven’t seen you for

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:55:39

The farmer said he saw __UFO in the sky the other day.1 a 2 the 1 ___old man under __tree is over 90 years old .1 an the 2 the a 3 the the 4 an / 3 ( 为什么要用the 而上一题又用a ,under the tree 是固定用法吗?)We haven’t seen you for
The farmer said he saw __UFO in the sky the other day.
1 a 2 the 1
___old man under __tree is over 90 years old .
1 an the 2 the a 3 the the 4 an / 3
( 为什么要用the 而上一题又用a ,under the tree 是固定用法吗?)
We haven’t seen you for a few days .
I fell off __ bike an stayed in __ bed for___rest.
1 the / a 2 a the / 3 / / / 4 the / / 1
__ twenty minutes enough for you to finish the work?
1 Are 2 Is 2
Two fifths of the land in that district ___covered with tree and grass.
1 is 2 are 1
Do you have enough students to the Laboratory?
No ,I think we need __ students.
1 another 2 two others 3 more two 4 two more 4
__ books must be prouced for children.
1 Many thousand 2 Many thousands of
(不是说thousands of 前不能用many修饰的吗?)
There are only __ days in February .
1 twenty-eight 2 twenty-nine 1
Can you finish your composition and hand it in before __?
I will try my best .
1 twenty to nine 2 twenty five past nine 1

The farmer said he saw __UFO in the sky the other day.1 a 2 the 1 ___old man under __tree is over 90 years old .1 an the 2 the a 3 the the 4 an / 3 ( 为什么要用the 而上一题又用a ,under the tree 是固定用法吗?)We haven’t seen you for
The farmer said he saw __UFO in the sky the other day.
1 a 2 the 1
几道题基本上是关于定冠词和不定冠词的用法的.定冠词是特指,所谓特指,可以这样理譬如说,所谈论的东西可以具体定位到某一人或某一物身上,也就是说说话者指向哪个人或物很明确,是某个特定的人或物,而听者呢,也知道具体该人或该物是谁.不定冠词则没有特指,譬如说a boy, 并不知道说的是谁,the boy, 则可以知道说的是谁(具体是谁要根据上下文就能确定).下面逐道题分 第一题,看见了不明飞行物,不可能知道看见的一定是哪一个,就像看见了一只鸟,又不知道那一只鸟,只能是不确定,因此用a,要是说昨天出现的那个ufo,今天飞出来又被你看到了,也就是昨天今天的是同一个,那你今天再看见,也确定是昨天那个,才可以用the.
___old man under __tree is over 90 years old .
1 an the 2 the a 3 the the 4 an / 3
under the tree 不是固定用法. 但是你看,说道树下的那个老人90多岁了,你理解下,当别人给你这样说中文的时候,你是不是有这样一种感觉或可以理解这样一种场景,说的那个老人你也能看到,你知道是哪个老人,并且在哪棵树下.也就是说,你们俩个人(说者和听者),你们俩个人知道你们在说的是哪个老人,哪个树,这就叫特指了.
We haven’t seen you for a few days .
I fell off __ bike an stayed in __ bed for___rest.
1 the / a 2 a the / 3 / / / 4 the / / 1
第一个是用the, 你自己骑车掉下来,那个车肯定是自己身下的那辆车吧,很确定吧,所以特指.stay in bed是固定用法,卧病在床.for a rest 也是固定用法,休息
__ twenty minutes enough for you to finish the work?
1 Are 2 Is 2
Two fifths of the land in that district ___covered with tree and grass.
1 is 2 are 1
分数的这种题具体还不是看分数的大小,而是看分数所跟的名词,如果是可数名词,那这道题肯定用复数,因为2/5,也就是40%的什么东西,是复数的,肯定超过一个了.但是如果所说的是不可数名词,不管是百分之多少,它还是不可数的.land 在此时不可数.百分数的用法也如此.
Do you have enough students to the Laboratory?
No ,I think we need __ students.
1 another 2 two others 3 more two 4 two more 4
这就是固定用法.想用数字,再用more. 表示之前已经有了,再来一些的概念.譬如:你还要吃面包不?--Yes, I'd like some more bread. 好的,再来点.(意思就是已经吃了,但还接着吃点).还有some more water 等等 some 换成数字one, two ,three也是一样的用法,就是具体指再来几个而已.
__ books must be prouced for children.
1 Many thousand 2 Many thousands of
(不是说thousands of 前不能用many修饰的吗?)
There are only __ days in February .
1 twenty-eight 2 twenty-nine 1
Can you finish your composition and hand it in before __?
I will try my best .
1 twenty to nine 2 twenty five past nine 1

第一题选择 a 是因为u的发音不少元音,如果元音的话才说选择an,例如hour小时,如果要说一小时的话就要加an hour了。其他的单词也是一样的

1. a 是泛指,不是特指
2. 是特指,站在树下的哪个老男人
3. the表示特指
4. 数词,分数做主语,谓语动词用单数的
5. 数词+more 表示再需要
6. many可以修饰thousands of但是不能修饰thousand
7. 常识问题,2月有28天

The farmer said he saw ____ UFO in the sky the other day.A.a C.the 英语翻译one day a farmer arrived at a woman's house.he borrowed a pan(平底锅) form her.very soon he returned it to her.he gave her another small one and said it was a baby.the woman was 3 and took it.a few days 4 ,the farmer had visitors.he as He's a farmer 改为复数 The farmer said that he had four children to take care of.后面改成 to be taken care of The farmer said that he had four children to take care of.改成 The farmer said that he had four children to be taken care of 有什么区别吗? The farmer said he saw-------UFO in the sky the other day A a B an C the D/如题 The farmer said he saw _____ UFO in the sky the other day.A./.B.a.C.An.D.the.为什么选B, sometimes the pig walks to the slaughter, because he knows it's better for the farmer.是什么意思? 不懂这个意思看看这个是什么意思"The farmer's wife,Lynn,said she had been alerted by the kangaroo's out-of-character behaviour." 首字母填词A wolf went to a farm.It a()some of the farmer's sheep.The farmer was so a()...A wolf went to a farm.It a___ some of the farmer's sheep.The farmer was so a___.He wanted to kill it with it with his gun.But the wolf ran a____.The 英语翻译A farmer has a horse,One day.the farmer's horse runs away.his friends sayThat'tooo bad.The farmer says,Maybe.Later the horse comes back with seven wild horses.Wow ,you are so lucky!the farmer's friends say.He says.Maybe.Then the f 英语翻译Once an old beggar came to a farm and asked for some food.The farmer was kind and asked him to dinner. There were two of the farmer’s foreign friends,too.The farmer said to the beggar,“Well,here’s a whole chicken. Will you p heart sank的中文意思The farmer's heart sank when he saw the man,because he was greastest man in the town.这句话的中文意思 the farmer runs until he is blue in the Mr.Reece was a farmer.He and his wife (妻子) grew a lot of things.They worked very hard .One day,Mr .Reece said to his wife “Let’s go the city next Sunday.We can have a good lunch there,and then we”ll go to the cinema.”His wife was very hap I met him at b.farmer c.the farmer d.the doctor's 英语翻译A farmer sits near a tree.He`s tired.A rabbit is running fast.It can`t see the tree.It hits the tree and it`s dead.The farmer has the rabbit.He`s lucky.He wants to have more rabbits.He doesn`t want to work on the farm again.He waits near soon as he left the office the telephone started ringing的倒装句另外还有两句The farmer blew a whistle and all the pigs ran off.The day,just as the broadcast said,a heavy storm came down. 翻译he keeps the forest for a rich farmer there