英语作文,最近你所在的班级就“中学生使用网络”进行了讨论.请写一篇短文介绍一下自己的观点要求:在作文中必须使用as well as和get in touch with ···写几句就行,无论正确,只要有as well as和g

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:30:49

英语作文,最近你所在的班级就“中学生使用网络”进行了讨论.请写一篇短文介绍一下自己的观点要求:在作文中必须使用as well as和get in touch with ···写几句就行,无论正确,只要有as well as和g
要求:在作文中必须使用as well as和get in touch with
写几句就行,无论正确,只要有as well as和get in touch with,

英语作文,最近你所在的班级就“中学生使用网络”进行了讨论.请写一篇短文介绍一下自己的观点要求:在作文中必须使用as well as和get in touch with ···写几句就行,无论正确,只要有as well as和g
The theme class meeting, let the students improve the correct use of the network of consciousness. Discussion on the class of related problems, help to improve class cohesion, also can let the students show their talent. Here the "pros and cons" students access to the Internet as the topic, the main stage for most of the students are addicted to the Internet, serious enough to affect the learning and living situation, understand the network as the modern society an important access to information and mass communication through a discussion of the forms to make the students of middle school students the tools, there are advantages and disadvantages, we need to use it correctly. Based on the organization and preparation, training, training the student cadre organization ability, make the students "self education, self management, self service, self-discipline ability" to improve the.Two, the active program:1, ask the students have access to the Internet to do what?2, make love to play games online students talk about the most fun several network game.3, about the game why than learning more attractive4, about the network game behind the scenes of the producer is through hard work to make fun of the game.5, it actually network some more games entertainment, there are more and more knowledge.Three, the summary:Making making making network is like a double-edged sword, in enhancing the youth to communicate with the outside world and exchange at the same time, it also because of some bad for them mentally. A portion of teenagers browse the Internet pornography, violence and other undesirable content network, addicted to vulgar style online chat. But in network game, more is to allow many minors can not extricate themselves bogged down in them. Inappropriate content on the web is not only caused psychological harm, physical harm has emerged, "new medical noun network addiction" is emerging in recent years. Patients with this deep in the network world and inextricably bogged down in, not to communicate with normal people, under the net after the emergence of sever symptoms, such as depression, physical discomfort, and even result in academic work, abandoned. When the network beauty to our life colorful, a colorless and odorless invisible toxicity is the rapid growth, inadvertently, to this beautiful invisible. Network is a double-edged sword, with a beautiful but toxicityFour, reflection:Making making making the exploration of cooperative learning, make full use of the network resources, with students like way of inquiry learning, the students' learning interest is very high. The students through their own inquiry and cooperation, to realize the network game and Internet cafes temptation and harm to teenagers, resulting in a perceptual knowledge, into the rational cognition, how should health online. The inquiry learning method compared with the traditional teaching style, the students feel more deeply!

英语作文,最近你所在的班级就“中学生使用网络”进行了讨论.请写一篇短文介绍一下自己的观点要求:在作文中必须使用as well as和get in touch with ···写几句就行,无论正确,只要有as well as和g 中学生可否使用手机的英语作文 求英语作文,在后天下午之前就需要,急,具体如下假如你是李华,你的妹妹Lily在美国出生长大,最近他要随父母回国探亲,并将在你所在的班级学习一段时间.请你给Lily写一封电子邮件,告诉他如下 中学生如何正确使用电脑的英语作文 求一篇初三英语作文.(我的分都贡献出来了!)为了让中学生认识到安全的重要性,提高安全意识,最近你校就中学生的安全问题做了一项调查,其中调查了50名中学生致伤、致死的原因.请你根 英语自我介绍(姓名 班级 喜欢的体育运动)急需!就这!姓名 所在班级 喜爱的班级运动! (假如你是李华,你所在的城市正在招募懂英语的中学生环保志愿者) 一篇英语作文,很急啊10点半之前要要啊假如你是李华,你所在的城市正在招募懂英语的中学生环保志愿者,请你根据一下表格 假设你是Li Lei,就如何做一名合格的中学生,写一篇60~80字的英语作文 英语作文:目前中学生早餐问题已经引起社会关注,你所在学校的学生会在5月20日全国学营养日开展问英语作文:目前中学生早餐问题已经引起社会关注,你所在学校的学生会在5月20日“全国 中学生志愿者的英语作文 以我的教室为题写一篇英语作文简单介绍你所在的班级老师有哪些同学有哪些上些什么课不少于五句话 《最近班级流行---》 作文 英语小作文 介绍你的班级和同学, 英语作文 英语发言稿关于学习英语为了调动同学们学习英语的积极性,提高学习效率,近期你所在班级打算召开一个英语学习经验交流会,要求发言者谈谈自己是怎样学习英语的.请你根据下面 求一篇英语作文‘中学生过度使用耳机的现象、危害’ 写关于“中学生是否应该使用手机”80词左右的英语作文 高一英语作文:中学生应该如何使用家长给的零花钱. 中学生是否可以在校使用手机的讨论性 英语作文