
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:37:37


Lesson 28 Where are they?它们在哪里?
There are some cigarettes on the dressing table.
They are near that box.
There are some plates on the cooker.
They are clean.
There are some trousers on the bed.
They are near that shirt.
There are some bottles in the rifrigerator.
They are empty.
There are some shoes on the floor.
They're near the bed.
There are some knives on the table.
They're in that box.
There are some forks on the shelf.
They're near those spoons.
There are some bottles on the cupboard.
They're near those tins.
There are some tickets on the shelf.
They're in that handbag.
There are some glasses on the television.
They're near those bottles.

Hello, Sam.
Come in.
Hi, Sam. We're having lunch.
Do you want to have lunch with us?
No, thank you, Tom.
I've already had lunch.
I had lunch at half past twelve.


Hello, Sam.
Come in.
Hi, Sam. We're having lunch.
Do you want to have lunch with us?
No, thank you, Tom.
I've already had lunch.
I had lunch at half past twelve.
Have a cup of Coffee then.
I've just had a cup, thank you.
I had one after my lunch.
Let's go into the living room, Carol.
We can have our Coffee there.
Excuse the mess, Sam.
This room's very untidy.
We're packing our suitcases.
We're going to leave tomorrow.
Tom and I are going to have a holiday.
Aren't you lucky!
When are you going to have a holiday, Sam?
I don't know.
I've already had my holiday this year.
Where did you go?
I stayed at Home!

Lesson 84 Have you had …? 你已经……了吗?

Have some Coffee. I've already had some.
Have a banana. I've already had one.
Have some beer. I've already had some.
Have an apple. I've already had one.
关于 's 缩写形式
例如:She's 是She is 还是she has 的判断办法:She has 的后边不会是动词原形或形容词,而应该是动词的过去分词。
I have=I've They have=They've We have=We've
You have=You've She has=She's He has=He's
Have a peach. I've already had one.
Have some milk. I've already had some.
Have a glass of water. I've already had one.
Have a biscuit. I've already had one.
Have some cheese. I've already had some.

P172 Exercise B
Have you had any vegetables or fruit?
I haven't had any vegetables.
I've just had some fruit.
1 He hasn't had any beans. He's just had some peas.
2 They haven't had any tea. They've just had some Coffee.
3 I haven't had any apples. I've had some peaches.
4 I haven't had any cabbage. I've just had some lettuce.
5 She hasn't had any beer. She's just had some wine.
6 He hasn't had any lamb. He's just had some beef.
7 They haven't had any tea. They've just had some milk.
8 She hasn't had any meat. She's had some vegetables.
9 Have you had any chicken or steak?
I haven't had any chicken. I've had some steak.
10 Have they had any bananas or oranges?
They haven't had any bananas. They've just had some oranges.

1 语法
telephone telephoned
try tried
buy bought
have had
be been
see seen
leave left
I have read the book./I haven't read the book.
I have stayed here for about two months.
She has gone to my Hometown.
They have never been to the Great Wall.
dream-boat 理想中的人或事物
Romeo/Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶,热恋中的人
brown-noser 谄媚的人,拍马的人 [存疑,词典中做 brown-nose]
sell like hot cakes 热销
Let sleeping dogs lie. 别惹麻烦
It is never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。
Where there is life there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

have a cigarette
have lunch
be having
have a glass of whisky
have dinner
have roast beef
have a holiday
have had

1 are … going to do
2 cleaned
3 have … had
4 is having
5 have
6 takes
7 didn't enjoy
8 isn't … had
9 goes
10 spoke

1 Put your hand in my pocket. Don't put your hand in my pocket.
2 Let's go to the classroom. Let's not go to the classroom.
3 I had breakfast at 7:30 a.m.. I didn't have breakfast at 7:30 a.m..
4 She has a nice suitcase. She hasn't/doesn't have a nice suitcase.
5 He is going to see me next week. He isn't going to see me next week.
6 Last/buy/car/last month
Mr. Jones bought a car last month.
7 She/at the dairy/now
She is at the dairy now. She isn't at the dairy now.
8 they/always have lunch/noon
Do they always have lunch at noon?
9 He/read/book/yesterday/slow
He read the book slowly yesterday.

1 Excuse me, do you have an appointment?
2 I feel awful. I have a terrible toothache.
3 He doesn't know London very well, so he lost his way last week.
4 They took out a pen./ They took out a pen from the pocket.
5 She is going to telephone you today.
Can't you come with me?
Sorry, I'm very busy now.

Won't you have some apples?
Yes, I'd love to.

Aren't you lucky?

Isn't is a beautiful day?
Yes, it is.

Don't you tell him she is at Home?

blind date 第三者安排的约会
pie in the sky 不切实际的想法
(the) last thing/person/place
down-to-earth 实际的
Where there's a will, there's a way. 有志者事竟成。
Never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you. 不要自找麻烦。
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
America is the last place I want to go.
You are the last person I want to marry.
