跪求英语高手帮助,求帮解析一下在下做错的题跪求英语高手帮助,本人英语基础薄弱,很多不明白,求帮解析一下我做错的题3道单选题The interviewer wants somebody who is hard-working with a dpeasant personalit

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:23:35

跪求英语高手帮助,求帮解析一下在下做错的题跪求英语高手帮助,本人英语基础薄弱,很多不明白,求帮解析一下我做错的题3道单选题The interviewer wants somebody who is hard-working with a dpeasant personalit
The interviewer wants somebody who is hard-working with a dpeasant personality and real____.
A. interesting job B.interested job C.job of interests D.interest in the job
正确答案是D ,但我选了A 求问为什么

The tendency______blinds managers to other alternatives.
A. to simplify B.simplified C.simplifying D.of simplify
我的答案是选B 正确答案是A 求问为什么 求详解

Decision makers must have some way of determining______several alternatives is best.
Awhich B.what C.of which D.which of
正确答案是D 我选了A 求问为什么 求详解

跪求英语高手帮助,求帮解析一下在下做错的题跪求英语高手帮助,本人英语基础薄弱,很多不明白,求帮解析一下我做错的题3道单选题The interviewer wants somebody who is hard-working with a dpeasant personalit
选D 是因为他句意是说面试官想要一个踏实勤奋并对该工作有兴趣的员工.interesting是令人有兴趣的,interested是某人感兴趣的,都是形容词.interest是名词,意为兴趣.
第三句是说决策者必须要有方法从这几种选择中决定哪一个是最好的.自然要在which后加of,相当于one of.

  1. with表伴随,翻译成拥有,后面跟了两个名词结构personality(性格)和interest(兴趣) 。in the job 修饰interest

  2. to simplify不定式做定语修饰tendency。tendency to do 表示  作某事的趋势

  3. 宾语从句按照句意翻译,缺什么内容就补什么。缺“哪...


    1. with表伴随,翻译成拥有,后面跟了两个名词结构personality(性格)和interest(兴趣) 。in the job 修饰interest

    2. to simplify不定式做定语修饰tendency。tendency to do 表示  作某事的趋势

    3. 宾语从句按照句意翻译,缺什么内容就补什么。缺“哪个”所以填which of + 名词复数
