
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 22:16:23


Introduction of La Seine
The Seine (pronounced [sɛn] in French) is a slow flowing major river and commercial waterway within the regions of Île-de-France and Haute-Normandie in France and famous as a romantic backdrop in photographs of Paris,France.It is also a tourist attraction,with excursion boats offering sightseeing tours of the Rive Droite and Rive Gauche within the city of Paris.It terminates in the Bay of the Seine region of the English Channel and is navigable by oceanic transports about ten percent of its length to Rouen,120 km (75 miles) from the sea,whereas over sixty percent of its length from Burgundy near the Swiss Alps is negotiable by commercial riverboats and nearly its whole length is available for recreational boating.
There are 37 bridges over the River Seine just within Paris and dozens more spanning the river outside of the city.Examples in Paris include the Pont Louis-Philippe and Pont Neuf,the latter which dates back to 1607.Outside of the city,examples include the Pont de Normandie,one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world,which links Le Havre to Honfleur.
Introduction to Louvre Museum
is a historic monument in Paris and the national museum of France.It is a central landmark of the city,located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement (neighbourhood).It's the most visited museum in the world and arguably the most famous one.Nearly 35,000 objects from the 6th millennium BC to the 19th century AD are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square metres (652,300 square feet).
The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace (Palais du Louvre) which began as a fortress built in the late 12th century under Philip II.Remnants of the fortress are still visible.The building was extended many times to form the present Louvre Palace.In 1672,Louis XIV chose the Palace of Versailles for his household,leaving the Louvre primarily as a place to display the royal collection,including,from 1692,a collection of antique sculpture.In 1692,the building was occupied by the Acad茅mie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres and the Acad茅mie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture,which in 1699 held the first of a series of salons.The Acad茅mie remained at the Louvre for 100 years.During the French Revolution,the National Assembly decreed that the Louvre should be used as a museum,to display the nation's masterpieces.
The Louvre Palace is an almost rectangular structure,composed of the square Cour Carr茅e and two wings which wrap the Cour Napol茅on to the north and south.In the heart of the complex is the Louvre Pyramid,above the visitor's center.The museum is divided into three wings:the Sully Wing to the east,which contains the Cour Carr茅e and the oldest parts of the Louvre; the Richelieu Wing to the north; and the Denon Wing,which borders the Seine to the south.
The Greek,Etruscan,and Roman department displays pieces from the Mediterranean Basin dating from the Neolithic to the 6th century CE.The collection spans from the Cycladic period to the decline of the Roman Empire.This department is one of the museum's oldest; it began with appropriated royal art,some of which was acquired under Francis I.Initially,the collection focused on marble sculptures,such as the Venus de Milo.Works such as the Apollo Belvedere arrived during the Napoleonic Wars,but these pieces were returned after Napoleon I's fall in 1815.In the 19th century,the Louvre acquired works including vases from the Durand collection,bronzes such as the Borghese Vase from the Biblioth猫que nationale.
The archaic is demonstrated by jewellery and pieces such as the limestone Lady of Auxerre,from 640 BCE; and the cylindrical Hera of Samos,circa 570鈥?60 BCE.After the 4th century BCE,focus on the human form increased,exemplified by the Borghese Gladiator.The Louvre holds masterpieces from the Hellenistic era,including The Winged Victory of Samothrace (190 BCE) and the Venus de Milo,symbolic of classical art.In the galleries paralleling the Seine,much of the museum's Roman sculpture is displayed.The Roman portraiture is representative of that genre; examples include the portraits of Agrippa and Annius Verus; among the bronzes is the Greek Apollo of Piombino.
The painting collection has more than 6,000 works from the 13th century to 1848 and is managed by 12 curators who oversee the collection's display.Nearly two-thirds are by French artists,and more than 1,200 are Northern European.The Italian paintings compose most of the remnants of Francis I and Louis XIV's collections,others are unreturned artwork from the Napoleon era,and some were bought.The collection began with Francis,who acquired works from Italian masters such as Raphael and Michelangelo,and brought Leonardo da Vinci to his court.After the French Revolution,the Royal Collection formed the nucleus of the Louvre.When the d'Orsay train station was converted into the Mus茅e d'Orsay in 1986,the collection was split,and pieces completed after the 1848 Revolution were moved to the new museum.French and Northern European works are in the Richelieu wing and Cour Carr茅e; Spanish and Italian paintings are on the first floor of the Denon wing.
Exemplifying the French School are the early Avignon Pieta of Enguerrand Quarton; Jean Fouquet's King Jean le Bon,the oldest independent portrait in Western painting to survive from the postclassical era; Hyacinthe Rigaud's Louis XIV; Jacques-Louis David's The Coronation of Napoleon; and Eug猫ne Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People.Northern European works include Johannes Vermeer's The Lacemaker and The Astronomer; Caspar David Friedrich's Tree of Crows; Rembrandt's The Supper at Emmaus,Bathsheba at Her Bath,and The Slaughtered Ox.
The Italian holdings are notable,particularly the Renaissance collection.The works include Andrea Mantegna and Giovanni Bellini's Calvarys,which reflect realism and detail "meant to depict the significant events of a greater spiritual world".The High Renaissance collection includes Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa,Virgin and Child with St.Anne,St.John the Baptist,and Madonna of the Rocks.Caravaggio is represented by The Fortune Teller and Death of the Virgin.From 16th century Venice,the Louvre displays Titian's Le Concert Champetre,The Entombment and The Crowning with Thorns.