
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:16:23


A name,Zhang LIli,has drew much more attention since May 12th.Teacher Zhang was seriously injured for saving the students and her life has been on the verge of death for a time.With much the respect,love and attention of her students,was named "the most beautiful teacher".She used her life to guard her children,she is a good teacher,a well-deserved good teacher indeed.
Well,should a good teacher be defined as "save your life with my own"?With the cost of one's life,in any case,he is respectable.Even so I believe that this is not of all for a good teacher.
Comprehension and guideline are in need of students from teachers,which also the test of teachers' love and patience.Moreover,they should be taught to unveil problems and confirm which kind of attitude towards handling them.To be approval,unapproval or supportive?
Accutially.students are far more careful and sensetive than we have expected.For instance,one in my class ,at the beginning days,was asked to answer my question .I said "Very good " due to he did it perfectly.But that made me surprised was his shocked eyesight to me .Then I asked him the reason .He told me that his school teacher never say Very good,no matter how well he answered.I was extremely stolished.For my part,there ‘s no differece between very good and good ,all of them are used to prize.It’s common for me to express Very good.But acturely it’s influence students very much.That is to say,merely such a little thing can affect them,not noly knowledge that teachers have taught but their every actions and words.In conclision,teachers ought to show their affection and suggestion sincerely.Otherwise,we will fail to draw their credict pretendedly.
teachers are not favored by students at beginning,students are not well-behaved at beginning,too.Every time your students blame you,will you have courage to change yourself or think it is sudents' fault to give up.Maybe give up is more easier to achieve,but we wouldn't feel good.So,when facing students,change ourself,my desire is to solve difficulties.
Because a good teacher should be ready to endure the tests of care
and conscience.The teacher is not always exalted,we should pay efforts to it and win it at last.


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