
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:08:37


(一)fixed 语句禁止垃圾回收器重定位可移动的变量.fixed 语句只能出现在不安全的上下文中.Fixed 还可用于创建固定大小的缓冲区.fixed 语句设置指向托管变量的指针并在 statement 执行期间“钉住”该变量.如果没有 fixed 语句,则指向可移动托管变量的指针的作用很小,因为垃圾回收可能不可预知地重定位变量.C# 编译器只允许在 fixed 语句中分配指向托管变量的指针.示例 // statements_fixed.cs// compile with:/unsafeusing System;class Point{ public int x,y; }class FixedTest { // Unsafe method:takes a pointer to an int.unsafe static void SquarePtrParam (int* p) { *p *= *p; } unsafe static void Main() { Point pt = new Point(); pt.x = 5; pt.y = 6; // Pin pt in place:fixed (int* p = &pt.x) { SquarePtrParam (p); } // pt now unpinned Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}",pt.x,pt.y); }} (二)Fixed函数:按指定的位数进行四舍五入得到文本型的数值,如果其第二个参数是正数是在小数点的右侧进行四舍五入,反之在小数点的左侧,第三个参数决定其是否用千位分隔符

在3D英文版中...Fixed 英文版3D MAX中晶格命令在什么地方 Fixed Gear英文怎么发音 fixed 英文3d中焊接是什么英文 .there he stood still,his attention( ) on that girl.a.having fixed b.was fixed c.fixing d.fixed in his dream, the angel stood there with her eyes____ on himA. fix B. to be fixed C. fixed D. fixingD项为什么不对呢,她的眼睛应该是主动在他的身上啊,怎么用被动形式呢 英文中 合并两个句子My friend Tom fixed up the radio.He likes radio best两句合为一句,急 3.I found her eyes ___ on the hole in the ceilingA.are fixed B.fixed C.fixing D.being fixed 3.I found her eyes ___ on the hole in the ceiling A.are fixed B.fixed C.fixing D.being fixed on the portrait,mother was deep in thought.A.Fixed her eyes B.Her eyes are fixed C.Her eyes fixing D.Her eyes fixed Bios设置中Dvmt/fixed memory 有什么用 在规定时间内是不是”within the fixed time -Did Peter fix the computer himself?-He _______ ,because he doesn't know much about computers.A.has it fixed B.had fixed itC.had it fixed D.fixed it I saw his eyes______upon the picture when I went in the room.A.fixing B.more fixed C fixed D.that fixed 选fixing还是fixed why? [-C18] -Did Peter fix the computer.-He ______ ,because he doesn't know much about computers.A.has it fixed B.had fixed itC.had it fixed D.fixed it为什么选C不选B? Did Peter fix the computer himself?-He _______ ,because he doesn't know much about computers.A.has it fixed B.had fixed itC.had it fixed D.fixed it为什么后面可以用does啊 不是过去时吗? Did Peter fix the computer himself?-He _______ ,because he doesn't know much about computers.A.has it fixed B.had fixed itC.had it fixed D.fixed it选C为什么不选A