帮我看看这个句子怎样改简单句.要告诉我为什么要这样改.谢谢哦People tell me how I can get to the station.Peopel tell me how ___ _____ ____ the station.顺便帮我看一下这道英语题正不正确.The whole buildi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:28:47

帮我看看这个句子怎样改简单句.要告诉我为什么要这样改.谢谢哦People tell me how I can get to the station.Peopel tell me how ___ _____ ____ the station.顺便帮我看一下这道英语题正不正确.The whole buildi
People tell me how I can get to the station.
Peopel tell me how ___ _____ ____ the station.
The whole building is our company's.(改同义句.)
The whole building is part of our company.

帮我看看这个句子怎样改简单句.要告诉我为什么要这样改.谢谢哦People tell me how I can get to the station.Peopel tell me how ___ _____ ____ the station.顺便帮我看一下这道英语题正不正确.The whole buildi
1.to get to
2.不对,改为The whole building belongs to our company.

Peopel tell me how _I__ __can___ __arrive__ the station.
The whole building is _a_ part of our company.

People tell me how I can get to the station.
Peopel tell me how I can reach the station.
实际上get to someplace和reach someplace是同一个意思。都是到达某地的意思


People tell me how I can get to the station.
Peopel tell me how I can reach the station.
实际上get to someplace和reach someplace是同一个意思。都是到达某地的意思
The whole building is our company's.(改同义句。)正栋大楼都是属于我们公司的
The whole building is part of our company. 整栋大楼是我们公司的一部分


帮我看看这个句子怎样改简单句.要告诉我为什么要这样改.谢谢哦People tell me how I can get to the station.Peopel tell me how ___ _____ ____ the station.顺便帮我看一下这道英语题正不正确.The whole buildi 一个超简单英文句子的解析,帮我分析一下这个英文句子,.My mother wants me to drink milk.这个句子如果要改写成为同义句,能不能改写成这样My mother would like me to drink milk.如果不能告诉我理由,帮我分 请帮我看看这句话错在哪 In my opinion,I think students should not date as it can affect their studies.不需要改这个句子的句式 就请告诉我原句中错误的地方就好了谢谢 帮我看看这个句子有什么毛病对他人的成功像对待自己的成功一样充满激情不对的话要怎么改? 简单的帮我看看 帮我看看有哪个句子是错误的,并帮我改一改! 谁能进来帮我看一下这道改错题,看看要怎么改啊More recently,therefore ,the educated Eskimos have been voicing over the interests of those in rural area.句子大概就是这个样子了,谁会看的出来这句在哪里有语法上 小姑娘说:“我要去北京,我要去看看北京的名胜古迹.”怎样改间接叙述句? 帮我看看下面这个问题我改怎么回答?我喜欢这个人,我改怎么回答啊? 大家帮我看看句子有不对的话改一下,还有帮我加多点让自我介绍更美. 帮我看看这个题 怎样改转述句周瑜长叹一声说:“诸葛亮神机妙算,我真不如他.”这个句子怎么改为转述句? 帮我看看对不对,不对帮我改一下 你们,帮我看看,不对你们帮我改过来! 不改变句子意思将句子改为宾语从句 不能全部告诉我的话至少帮我做四五句让我知道一下怎么做不改变句子意思将句子改为宾语从句 不知道怎么改 不能全部告诉我的话至少帮我做四五句让 请大家帮我看看我这句英语通不通I do not know what time you should be online如果要表达我:怎么改 请大家帮我看看这句英语语法对不对吧!it's not only a wonderful journey to go,but also an good experience to have for them.(如果不对请告诉我应该怎么改!) 求英语大神帮我看看这个句子哪里有错误,如题,请大神帮我看看这句子哪错了 帮我改下 Because its function is similar to the cultivation of crops’ greenhouse,hence the name “the greenhouse effect”.我在word上输