英语翻译1.那人被指控企图暗杀总统而被捕.(because) 提示:be arrested; be accused of; attempt to do sth.; assassinate sb 2.那个国家处于战争中,那就是它贫穷的原因(involve) 提示:be involved in; that’s why

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:23:37

英语翻译1.那人被指控企图暗杀总统而被捕.(because) 提示:be arrested; be accused of; attempt to do sth.; assassinate sb 2.那个国家处于战争中,那就是它贫穷的原因(involve) 提示:be involved in; that’s why
提示:be arrested; be accused of; attempt to do sth.;
assassinate sb
提示:be involved in; that’s why…
提示:list sth.; those who…; as soon as possible
4.你是否意识到上海不知不觉地已成为一座花园城市?( realize)
提示:realize that; a garden city; before one knows
5. 这小孩太调皮了,使得他那忙于工作的父母常常心烦意乱.(So)
提示:So+adj./adv.+部分倒装(主句)+that…… upset sb.who…
提示:save sb.sth.; one’s door to door visits

英语翻译1.那人被指控企图暗杀总统而被捕.(because) 提示:be arrested; be accused of; attempt to do sth.; assassinate sb 2.那个国家处于战争中,那就是它贫穷的原因(involve) 提示:be involved in; that’s why
That guy has been arrested because he was accused of attempting to assassinate the President.
The country is poverty-stricken,that's why it's involved in a war.
Please list the names of those who should attend the meeting as soon as possible.
Did you realize that Shanghai has become a garden city before anyone knows?
So naughty the boy is that he often upsets his parents who are busy at work.
The doctor saved the old people a lot of trouble by is door to door visits.

1.That man was arrested because he attempted to assassinate president.
2.That country was involved in war, that's why it is poor.
3.Please list those who will attend the meeting as soon as p...


1.That man was arrested because he attempted to assassinate president.
2.That country was involved in war, that's why it is poor.
3.Please list those who will attend the meeting as soon as possible.
4.Have you realized that Shanghai has become a garden city?
5.The child is so naughty that he usually upsets his parents who are busy doing their work.
6.Doctor's door to door visits saves the elderly people's trouble


英语翻译1.那人被指控企图暗杀总统而被捕.(because) 提示:be arrested; be accused of; attempt to do sth.; assassinate sb 2.那个国家处于战争中,那就是它贫穷的原因(involve) 提示:be involved in; that’s why 里根总统遇到过几次暗杀 英语翻译“恐怖分子正密谋暗杀总统候选人,我老婆女儿也被挟持,而我的同事也可能同时牵涉其中,我是联邦探员杰克·鲍尔,今天将是我这辈子最长的一天.”不要去用翻译软件,要电视原声翻 干暗杀勾当的人被称作什么客 这位领袖是为了中国革命的胜利而被国名党暗杀了 用英语怎么说 奥巴马任职期间会不会因种族歧视问题而被暗杀? 英语翻译:在小说的第五章中,这位律师因为谋杀而被捕入狱 英语翻译多次发表演讲,争取黑人与白人享受平等的权利.2012年被暗杀. 英语翻译原句很长,就是主干不懂,主干如下:he did not accept the charge as well founded.我直译为:他不接受指控,因为指控是很有根据的.而正确译法是:他认为这种指控是缺少根据的.我不明白well fou 肯尼迪之死谜团自1865年林肯总统被人暗杀以来,美国总统不断遭人暗算,他们头上的权力光环几乎成了一些“狂人”眼中的靶标.然而,肯尼迪枪击案的背景却显得格外扑朔迷离.美国公众百思不 英语翻译:在法庭上他被指控偷了邻居的钱和衣服(be accused ...of) 降雪时间推移 白色老鼠易被天敌发现而被捕食 这说明什么? 宋英宗赵曙在位时间是不是太短了?是不是被人暗杀的呢? 当年被国民党暗杀的李公仆,闻一多是什么党的人?还是他们是无党派人士? 暗杀的人的人称什么客 帮忙翻译成英文(拒绝工具现套)纵使我伸出双手、泪沁双目,渴求被拯救.那也请求你不要为了拯救而企图带走我. 英语翻译1,警方还不能确定谋杀案是什么时候发生的.2,那个罪犯将以绑架的罪名而被指控.3,他足够友好,和每个人相处融洽.4,如果你现在不够努力,将来做什么谋生呢?5,他告诉我他的老板做了违 英语翻译1 我们必须致力于改进教育工作(concentrate on)2 他被派去报道那次会议的有关情况(cover)3 只有当你经历了许多磨难后,你才知道幸福的可贵(only of)4 他被指控杀人并被宣判死罪