
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:31:30

程乐民先生生于一个书香家庭,生长在素有茶麻古道之称的江南古镇赤壁羊楼洞,那里山幽洞奇,水碧风清,不仅盛产茶业、楠竹,也是商人墨客聚集之地,曾经羊楼洞的砖茶行销内蒙、新疆,而且远销俄罗斯、英国。也许是那里的自然山水,风土人情,滋养了他的艺术天性,使他从小就走上了习字绘画之路,可那也是一条漫长的 看他那么多作品,既是他不同时期生活的记录,自然的写照,更是他生命激情的奔放与流露,漫长人生的历练与感悟。艺无止境,老当益壮。愿程乐民先生永葆创作激情,在自由想像五彩缤纷的艺术天地快乐驰骋。

He is represented by calligraphy start,while the watercolors,while the traditional Chinese painting,gallop ivan,due to rich experience,mastery,God moved materialized,are reaching the territory of God,with lines such as the calligraphy of Qiu animals and deposited the essence of color too Impressionists,both large sweeping murals ,he can find among the Chi Fu Watercolor spirit.Looking at his paintings,wide range of topics and rich in content.Landscapes,flowers,birds insects and fish,come in handy; composition novel,pen concise fan,Sau in the possession of digging,flat Contain surprising Pumao moving.Both with the traditional Chinese painting and watercolor and workers,handy,effortless,Chinese and Western painting you have me,I have you,ambiguous on,but they clearly demonstrate their surnames the United States,created an image of watercolor painting and Italian pen mysteries.This painting industry peers is also rare.
  Mr.Cheng Lemin was born in a scholarly family,known as Cha Ma Ancient Road grown in the southern Chinese town known as Chibi Yangloudong,where the mountain You Dong Qi,Water Pik Fengqing,not only rich in tea,bamboo,but also businessmen scholars to gather land,once the brick tea marketing Yangloudong Inner Mongolia,Xinjiang,but also exported to Russia,the United Kingdom.There may be a natural landscape,customs and nurture his artistic nature,so that a child,he embarked on the road of learning calligraphy painting can be that's a long to see him so many works,both his record of different periods of time,natural reflection,but also the unrestrained passion of his life and the revelation of a long life of experience and insights.Arts endless,healthy and strong.Mr.Cheng Lemin would like to always maintain the creative passion and imagination in a free colorful art world,a happy ride.


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