
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 15:22:26


i like to listen to classic music
many people look like me
but i am only a unknown person/ but i am only some one small
Travel is what i want to do the most/i really want to go on a tour
there is green grass
blue sky
white snow mountain
if i want to go anywhere
i would go somewhere near your house
so i can see you everyday
it is very hot this days/it is getting hot this days
i am about to die/ i am almost out of breathe

I like classic music
I have a popular face
yet I'm unknown
I'd mostly like to travel
there're green lawn, blue sky, snowed covered mountains
If I'm allowed to go anywhere, I'll choose to stay around your house so that I can see you every day
It's so hot these days that I can hardly breathe.

I like classic music.I am ordinary,there are so many people look like me .
I 'd love to travel,where there are green grasses,blue sky and white ice moutain.
If I can go to everywhere I want,I 'll go to the place of yours so that I can see you everyday.
Too hot this days! I even can not breath

I like to listen to the classical music~ be like my person longly a lot of~ can I am just an unknown thieves
~ I want most to travel~ have the lawn of the green` the sky of the blue~ the snow moun...


I like to listen to the classical music~ be like my person longly a lot of~ can I am just an unknown thieves
~ I want most to travel~ have the lawn of the green` the sky of the blue~ the snow mountain of the white~ if let me go to anyplace~ I will go to the neighborhood of your house~..Can see you everyday so~ recently really very hot~ my quick asphyxiation~


英语翻译我喜欢听古典音乐~长的像我的人很多~可我只是个无名鼠辈我最想去旅游~有绿色的草地`蓝色的天空~白色的雪山~如果让我去任何地方~我会去你家的附近~..那样每天都能看到你~最近 我喜欢听古典音乐,英语怎么说?我喜欢听古典音乐,因为可以让我放松. 英语翻译用英语翻译下!我是李华,我非常喜欢流行歌曲,摇滚歌曲.但是,我最喜欢的还是流行音乐,我不喜欢古典音乐.我每天都听音乐,我有一个mp3,听音乐也十分方便,经常在放学回家的路上听, 为什么我喜欢听古典音乐,它有什么优点 英语翻译我叫xx,我是本地人,我身体不是很好,经常生病,很多时间我都是呆在家里面,所以我不善于人际交往,我喜欢听古典音乐,喜欢看一些历史方面的书籍,也许是因为孤僻惯了所以我比较喜欢 英语翻译我喜欢听别人聊天,就静静地听着别人的故事,就像自己也亲身经历过一样,这种感觉真的很棒.我不喜欢听那种很刺激听觉的音乐,比如重金属. 我喜欢中国古典音乐 英语作文 我喜欢中国古典音乐 英语作文 英语翻译我喜欢像描述世界末日之类的电影. 求歌词:在向我诉说 像清泉流入我心窝 一首儿童歌曲.古典音乐的 听点古典音乐如何 英语翻译 Rose 喜欢既轻柔又长的古典音乐(翻译为英语定语从句) 英语翻译1,他被认为是最滑稽的演员之一.2、我打开窗户好吗?3:我喜欢古典音乐.4.一班在蓝球比赛中赢了二班.5…他昨晚没有去参加宴会. 为什么我喜欢听下雨的声音 英语翻译听古典音乐是一种高级的享受.(此句我在GOOGLE翻译成:listening to classical is an advanced enjoyment,古典音乐不仅有优美的旋律,还有真挚的感情.宁静、典雅,或震撼、鼓舞,或欢喜、快乐,或悲 相比古典音乐我更喜欢流行音乐用英语怎么说 英语翻译1.真正的朋友总是对他的朋友很忠诚.2.那些年轻人喜欢各种音乐,如流行音乐 摇滚乐和古典音乐.3.他最喜欢的爱好是游泳,你喜欢的爱好是什么?4.我认为我诚实 善良又勇敢.5.我想那是 英文 我喜欢听某个人的歌曲