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11 A 12 B 13 A 14 B

11-14 A B A B

11..12..13..14..题, 11.题13.题, 英语词汇题,11.It’s rather h_________ in Wuhan in summer.12.He’s w_______________英语词汇题,11.It’s rather h_________ in Wuhan in summer.12.He’s w________________ black pants today.13.Look!There is a dog l________ under the tree.14.S 英语词汇题,11.It’s rather h_________ in Wuhan in summer.12.He’s w________________英语词汇题,11.It’s rather h_________ in Wuhan in summer.12.He’s w________________ black pants today.13.Look!There is a dog l________ under the tree.14. 11..12..13题, l( )12.you( )11.your brother( )13.填空 判断下列单词是开音节还是闭音节,并写出单词的音标sun 2.pile 3.strong 4.bad 5.hit 6.tent 7.hope 8.gate 9.nut 10.rule 11.kill 12.sad 13.drove 14.tube 15.fun第二题,写出下列单词中元音字母的音标fill chat mend hot date 初二英语练习册的题翻译短语1.apile of 2.short of 3.any more 4.queue up 5.give a lesson 6.hold a meeting 7.at the meeting 8.vote for 9.take charge of 10.ought to 11.ask for 12.take notes 13.be responsible for 14.talk over15.make a list 16. 求以下英语题答案将下列句子改为被动语态10. Who cleaned the room?11. Where did you see the film?12. The tigers in the zoo frightened the little girl. 13. They talked about the interesting book this morning.14. He often looks after hi 填空题,给下列生物归类.1.桃树2.蜻蜓3.七星瓢虫4.大肠杆菌5.熊6.兔7.金鱼藻8.蝗虫9.莎草10甘薯11.肾蕨12.蚯蚓13.兰花14.葫芦藓15油松16.水绵17.金丝猴18.草履虫19.螳螂20.大豆21.白鳍豚22.啄木鸟23.蝴 关于马基的概念题,物质2.唯物主义3.辩证法4.实践5.矛盾的统一性6.理性认识7.生产关系8.上层建筑9.国体10.社会必要劳动实践11.剩余价值12.资本的有机构成13.垄断14.真理15.生产力16.社会必要劳 写出下列物质在水中的电离方程式 1.碳酸钠 2.硫酸 3.硝酸 4.硝酸铜 5.碳酸氢铵 6.硝酸铵 7.硫酸铝 8.高锰酸钾 9.氯酸钾10.氢氧化钙11.磷酸钠12.硝酸钡13.氯化铁14.氯化铵 英语翻译1.[fi:l] 2.[stæmp] 3.['bIzI] 4.[fa:st] 5.[fUt] 6.[kæt∫] 7.['redI] 8.[taIm]9.[taUn] 10.[su:n] 11.[kəUld] 12.['menI] 13.[seIm] 14.[bI'grn] 英语写出下列动词-ing形式1.work 2.read 3.ask 4.listen 5.make 6.take 7.write 8.dance 9.begin 10.stop 11.swim 12.put 13.lie 14.die 15.carry 16.study 英文,反义词1.delicious 2.crowded 3.important 4.friendly 5.expensive 6.hot 7.bad 8.short 9.cool 10.fantastic 11.black 12.this 13.those 14.she 15.take 16.yes 17.come 18.interesting 写出下列酸,碱,1.盐酸 2.硫酸 3.硝酸 4.碳酸 5.磷酸 6.氢氧化钠 7.氢氧化铁 8.氢氧化铜9.石灰水 10.苛性钠 11.食盐 12.石灰石 13.硫酸钡 14.硫酸铜 15.纯碱 16.硫酸铁 英语翻译11.安静!小宝宝现在正在睡觉.12.亨利正在教室里做作业.13.明天早上我就要飞往加拿大了.14.谁在操场上跑步呢?15.