英语翻译6That elderly woman is always fond of interfering in other’s things.7After publishing several papers he distinguished himself in academic circle.8That area is polluted heavily and villagers can hardly find out the water which is fitting

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 21:30:15

英语翻译6That elderly woman is always fond of interfering in other’s things.7After publishing several papers he distinguished himself in academic circle.8That area is polluted heavily and villagers can hardly find out the water which is fitting
6That elderly woman is always fond of interfering in other’s things.
7After publishing several papers he distinguished himself in academic circle.
8That area is polluted heavily and villagers can hardly find out the water which is fitting to drink.
9I packed things in suitcase which I will use.
10 We Chinese all most associate the Chinese new year with the family members getting together.

英语翻译6That elderly woman is always fond of interfering in other’s things.7After publishing several papers he distinguished himself in academic circle.8That area is polluted heavily and villagers can hardly find out the water which is fitting
6 interfering in other people's things. - 这一句,如果用other‘s things, 有点太直接,像简化的语言吧?
7 是要怎样_专科圈. 是 ’卓越与一个专科区,还是卓越与那个专科区’
is it THE academic circle or AN academic circle.
8 find out 'ANY' water which is fitting to drink = 找出任何能饮用的水.
find out 'THE' water which is fitting to drink = 找出那个能饮用的水.
10 是 ‘almost’ 不是 ‘all most’.

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英语翻译elderly voice . 英语翻译wo -me. 英语翻译bang wo 英语翻译it is from the sun that wo get light and heat.为什么用that而不是用which 英语翻译6That elderly woman is always fond of interfering in other’s things.7After publishing several papers he distinguished himself in academic circle.8That area is polluted heavily and villagers can hardly find out the water which is fitting 一位老人 英语翻译是 a old man为什么不能是 a elderly再问问 old 和 elderly 的区别 wo 英语翻译6.As more and more young workers leave their rural homeland,it is noticeable that the bulk of workforce remaining in the country-side comprises increasingly of women and elderly people.This“feminization of agriculture”was identified i Chatting with elderly that as a rest after work.这句话对吗?请不吝赐教 Who takes care of the elderly in the United States today? The fact is that family members provide over 80% of the care that elderly people need. In most cases the elderly live in their own homes. A very small percentage of America’s elderly live in 英语翻译Wo!I feel good,I knew that I wouldn't of I feel good,I knew that I wouldn't of So good,so good,I got you Wo!I feel nice,like sugar and spice I feel nice,like sugar and spice So nice,so nice,I got you When I hold you in my arms I know that wo won the football match a_____ that team yesterday 英语翻译wo hai yi hou yizhiwoxiwangnimenyoushixiangqiwo a wo yizhidouxiangnimenniyaohaohaode zhe shiwode xingfunimenyohgyuyizhidaoyongyuanyizhi 英语翻译ji de wo men di yi ci xian yu wo jiu ai shang le ni ,dang ran wo hai shi bao chi nv hai de xiu se ,rang ni zhui qiu le yi ge yue ,wo hen ai ni ,jin tian wo de ling dao yao wo shuo chu wo de chu lian wo zhen de hen xiang ba wo men de dian 英语翻译deaths from cigarettes are likely to more than triple over the next quarter century to 20 every minute around the world.问:wo can know from the passage that today deaths from smoking every minute are around?选项 6 7 8 9.为什么选7 英语翻译deaths from cigarettes are likely to more than triple over the next quarter century to 20 every minute around the world.问:wo can know from the passage that today deaths from smoking every minute are around?选项 6 7 8 9.为什么选7 in many ways,our society is simply not geared for the kinds of life that the elderly must lead 看看我写的句子对吗?改正下Chatting with elderly that as a rest after work.请不吝赐教