准确翻译成英文此毕业设计得原因及目的:民以食为天,食品是人民赖以生存的物质基础.随着社会不断深入的发展,对外贸易的发达和交 通通信的便利,食品的方式层出不穷多种多样.但与此同

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:19:07

准确翻译成英文此毕业设计得原因及目的:民以食为天,食品是人民赖以生存的物质基础.随着社会不断深入的发展,对外贸易的发达和交 通通信的便利,食品的方式层出不穷多种多样.但与此同
此毕业设计得原因及目的:民以食为天,食品是人民赖以生存的物质基础.随着社会不断深入的发展,对外贸易的发达和交 通通信的便利,食品的方式层出不穷多种多样.但与此同时,食品安全卫生问题层出不穷.因此想通过这样一种方式,了解人民群众对食品安全问题的看法和见解,真正了解我们身边食品安全问题产生的根源及状况,并以此作为契机,让更多的人了解食品安全问题相关的信息,引起社会的广泛关注,并提出科学的解决方案.通过调查,锻炼我们的能力,学会探究性学习.
启示: 一是在政策层面,正确认识我国食品安全问题,科学地制定食品安全目标,进一步完善食品安全法律法规和管理体制.二是在技术层面,加强能力建设,健全食品安全支撑体系.三是在工作层面,明确“预防为主、源头治理”的工作思路,建立有效的监管协调机制,进一步明确各部门的职责范围和从中央到地方的工作机制.四是采用食品安全综合指数,通过建立一系列指标及相应指标的度量标尺来较为科学、客观、全面地动态反映我国食品安全状况,具体评价维度包括政府投入、生产过程、产品状况等.食品安全综合指数能够简化和改进社会各界对食品安全的了解,缓解公众对食品合格率等单一评价指标的抵触和恐慌,有利于构建和谐社会.同时,食品安全综合指数可以使决策者更关注那些与食品安全相关的关键问题和优先发展领域,并掌握这些问题的当前状态及进展情况,有针对性地进行政策调控或系统结构的调整.

准确翻译成英文此毕业设计得原因及目的:民以食为天,食品是人民赖以生存的物质基础.随着社会不断深入的发展,对外贸易的发达和交 通通信的便利,食品的方式层出不穷多种多样.但与此同
The graduation design, the reasons why and purpose: the people, the food is the material basis of people's survival. With the deepening of the social development, the foreign trade developed and pay the convenience of the communication, food way emerge in endlessly many and varied. But at the same time, food safety and health problems emerge in endlessly. So think through such a way to understand the masses of the people for food safety problems of ideas and opinions, really understand our side food safety the causes of the problems and conditions, and use this as an opportunity, to let more people know about food safety issues related to information, cause extensive attention of the whole society, and puts forward the scientific solution. Through the survey, exercise our ability, learn to explorative study.
The graduation design process: in 2012 you can mid April, a total of 100 questionnaire, respectively in Shanghai city town field survey. 1. Use extensive questionnaire issued in writing, the collection of data method. 2 a document research, understand the country about food safety of the existing material and the results of the survey, this paper analyzes general situation, timely adjust perfect research methods and ways, a guiding role for investigation. 3 analysis and integration of data, QuCuQuJing, true, youbiaojili, to know the nature of things, explain the purpose of the inherent law. And with that combined with the phone, computer auxiliary type survey. After the investigation will information for further screening and editing.
The problems found: 1 food safety supervision and the mechanism of rewards and punishments wasn't strong enough. 2 the modern social morals and the integrity of the landslide loss. 3 food industry scale, organizational, standardization level is not high, industrial self-discipline constraint mechanism is not sound, the enterprise quality safety management capacity is low. 4 national food safety consciousness weak.
Revelation: one is the policy level, a correct understanding of China's food safety problems, science for food safety goal, further perfect food safety laws, regulations and management system. Second, in the technical level, the ability to strengthen the construction and improve food security support system. Three is in work level, clear "prevention first, source management" concept, establish effective supervision coordination mechanism, further clear the area of responsibility of the various departments and from the central to local work mechanism. Four is the use of food safety is a composite index, through a series of index and set up corresponding the measure index rod more scientific, objective and comprehensive dynamic reflect our country food security situation, detailed evaluation dimensions including government investment, production processes, product condition and so on. Food safety comprehensive index to simplify and improve the social from all walks of life to the understanding of the food security, ease of food and other single qualified public evaluation index of resistance and panic, build up a harmonious society. At the same time, food safety composite index can make decision makers pay more attention to those and food safety related key questions and giving priority to the development of the field, and grasp the the current state of the problem and the progress, there are some pointed policy control or system structure.
accessories :Believe me, this is my own translation, not Google to find the baidu or, I'm from Britain. But, you have to translated this do? You won't go to Google or baidu check?