请用英文概括一下这段主要说的什么内容...No part of the world,no matter how remote,is immune from empry calories.Over the course of 30 years,the native population of Samoa has fallen victim to rampant weight gain-today more than half

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 19:32:16

请用英文概括一下这段主要说的什么内容...No part of the world,no matter how remote,is immune from empry calories.Over the course of 30 years,the native population of Samoa has fallen victim to rampant weight gain-today more than half
No part of the world,no matter how remote,is immune from empry calories.Over the course of 30 years,the native population of Samoa has fallen victim to rampant weight gain-today more than half its residents are clinically obese.James Bindon,a biological anthropologist at Alabama University,traced one of the causes to a fondness for tins of corned beef imported from England.Similar trends have been observed in Fiji."Where in the past they produced their own fruits andvegetables,now they are swamped with canned soda and mutton fat imported from New Zealand",says Yach of WHO."Call it the Coca-Colafication of the Pacific islands."

请用英文概括一下这段主要说的什么内容...No part of the world,no matter how remote,is immune from empry calories.Over the course of 30 years,the native population of Samoa has fallen victim to rampant weight gain-today more than half
This paragraph claimed that mordern food such as corned beef and canned soda and mutton cause people all over the world including remote ones weight gain.


请用英文概括一下这段主要说的什么内容...No part of the world,no matter how remote,is immune from empry calories.Over the course of 30 years,the native population of Samoa has fallen victim to rampant weight gain-today more than half 这篇文章2,3段主要说明了什么内容?(用一句话概括) 用英文概括外国名著的内容随便什么名著,要外国的主要是用英文概括主要内容 王几何 文章主要写了什么内容?请用简洁的语言概括 1.请用简洁的语言概括一下漫画的内容2.这幅漫画讽刺了什么人? 希望帮我把这段短文用英文和中文这两种语言各概括一下 奥巴马给女儿的一封信阅读答案这封信主要写了什么内容?请用简洁的语言概括.在这封信中,表达了奥巴马和女儿们之间怎样的情感?文章的第三段主要写了什么?表达了奥巴马怎样的情怀?在这 上文主要介绍了什么内容?请简要概括七上语文作业本P49页的第4题 4.上文主要介绍了什么内容?请用简洁的语言概括 爬山虎的脚这一篇课文主要写了什么内容?用几句话简单概括. 小屁孩日记就是每一章讲什么内容,用英文10多个字概括一下,今天,明天要交, 请用顺口溜 将梭伦改革的内容概括一下.注意是概括噢. 概括黄生借书说的内容 泰戈尔的图书馆请用简洁的语言概括第7-10段中的内容 请用一句话概括 芦花荡 2-6段的内容 桂陵之战与马陵之战这两个战役主要的内容是什么?请用简短的话概括一下(复制的那种不给分) 请用简洁的语言概括这篇小说的主要情节.(30字左右 曹操献刀课文的主要情节是  遇陈宫 杀伯奢 用章回体小说题目的形式分别概括每段内容  急!曹操献刀课文的主要情节是  遇陈宫 杀伯奢 用章回体小说题目的形式分别概括每段内容 纽扣 ①这篇小说的主要人物是谁?②小说写得含蓄委婉,有明线、暗线贯穿全文,请简要归纳出来.③请概括小说开头两段的内容和作用.④请找出文中对老太太肖像与动作描写的句子,结合全文说