请问His dream has come true这句话什么要加has

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 23:32:28

请问His dream has come true这句话什么要加has
请问His dream has come true这句话什么要加has

请问His dream has come true这句话什么要加has
come came come



请问His dream has come true这句话什么要加has his dream has come true.是come 还是came His dream of visiting Beijing has come true. 为什么不能是HIS DREAM TO VISIT BEIJING HAS COME TRUE 英语翻译2.come true 这个词组如果用在 一般现在时 主语是单三 是不是把come 加S,系动词后可以加S?如果用 His dream came true,或是 His dream has come true 都可以吧 Danny has worked hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.请问不定式 to realize his dream在句子中做什么成分?为什么? Her dream has come true.为什么系动词是has come不是come.本人英语不好. Every child make his dream come true.为什么不是comes true,dream,his,a,being,musician,can,come, His dream will come true的同意句是什么? My dream has come true.I have always wanted翻译 the young man__of going abroad. And now his dream will come ture.A dreamsB did dream C was dreaming D has been dreaming我选A 答案是D求解释 My dream has come ture.改成:I()()my dream at last. Becoming a millionaire is what he___since his childhood.Now his dream has___and his next goal is to become a comic actor,who can bring laughter to people.A.has been dreamed of; come trueB.has been dreaming of; realizedC.has dreamed of; come trueD.had After many years of hard work,his dream has finally_.A,realized B,been realizingC,been come ture D,come ture急用说明一下为啥选那个啥意思 His dream of becoming a star 后面的时态,我用has come true,用will come true.成为明星的梦想将要实现不是也可以吗?为什么非要用现在完成时 His dream will ______ sooner or later.A. come byB. come t rueC. come overD. come down 英语作文以My.Dream为题.开头以Everyone has his own dream.