请帮忙修改下面的语法!急Not only the war but also the normal life,not only the past but also the present or even the future needs the humanism thoughts.Though there are not that many wars nowadays,we should know clearly that every human bei

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:35:06

请帮忙修改下面的语法!急Not only the war but also the normal life,not only the past but also the present or even the future needs the humanism thoughts.Though there are not that many wars nowadays,we should know clearly that every human bei
Not only the war but also the normal life,not only the past but also the present or even the future needs the humanism thoughts.Though there are not that many wars nowadays,we should know clearly that every human being is born equal,and each of us has the right to pursue for a better life and freedom and personality.But they should bear in mind at the same time that they have no right to ruin others’ rights,and should help others as possible as they can.

请帮忙修改下面的语法!急Not only the war but also the normal life,not only the past but also the present or even the future needs the humanism thoughts.Though there are not that many wars nowadays,we should know clearly that every human bei
Not only the war but also the normal life,not only the past but also the present and even the future needs the humanism thoughts.Though there are not many wars nowadays,we should know clearly that every human being is born equally,and each of us has the right to pursue for a better life and freedom and personality.But we should bear in mind at the same time that we have no right to ruin others’ rights,and should help others as possible as we can

请帮忙修改下面的语法!急Not only the war but also the normal life,not only the past but also the present or even the future needs the humanism thoughts.Though there are not that many wars nowadays,we should know clearly that every human bei 帮忙修改一篇简单的英语短文★★大家改改错误,修改更好些吧.包括语法、书写等.请仔细些检查.原文如下:A claas,a familyI'm a Grade Nine student from Dong Feng No.5 Middle School.My class,Class One,is not only ma not only...but also的语法 not only...but also 的语法 Not only but Aslo 的语法是什么 语法填空中not only but also的also能否省略?急··· 请帮忙分析一下下面这个句子的语法结构,句子成分.The radio orchestra was founded by British occupation authorities after World War II,as Radio Hamburg was the only radio station in what would later be West Germany not to be destroy they would not have been prosecuted if they had not lied to police.请帮忙分析词句的语法结构 请高手帮忙改下下面的这段话,谢.Students’ Evaluation of TheirTeachersIn my personal opinion,itshould be treated dialectically and scientifically.Students' views areimportant,but this is not the only basis.If an educator got a bad grade 请帮忙列举些 谓语紧跟靠近的主语的连词像not only...but also 这类的 】请诸位告诉我下面的这个英语句子有无语病!如有请帮忙改正(句子见“问题补充”)I want you to know that wether you can get good grades or not depends on not only hardworking or not but also having skills or not.大 请帮忙分析一下这个句子的成分和语法结构,谢谢!This is not necessarily the case, however. 求帮忙修改英语论文语法错误!本科英语论文,大概4000多字,求大神修改下语法之类的错误,愿意帮忙的请留下您的邮箱,我把文档发给您!最迟明天下午两点前改完,感激不尽! 一篇英语文章,请大虾们帮忙修改一下,语法错误的,重谢My view on Shanghai ExpositionHaving expected for over several months,I finally had the chance to get there with my friends.Not only felt exciting before the trip that made me ne 急请英文写作高手帮我检查文章语法请大家帮我看看下面的段落是否正确表达、意思清楚.请指正,谢谢!1. Most architects are aware of applying sustainable and ecological technologies in their designs. However, only a 请帮忙修改这篇英语作文的错误语法.Today,my parents are not at home,I want to do something meaningful.First of all,I must finish my homework,because I can't let parents worried about my study.Second,I like mother,then wash clothes,I cle 帮我修改一下,下面这句话语法有什么问题?Since entering the market ,SHAOXING CHUSHENGTANG OLD REDWOOD CO.,LTD.always adhere to the “only competitive products” business philosophy.为什么这么改?他的原文是绍兴县楚盛 SOS:急!有些数学问题,请帮忙解答!在下面的括号中填上“>”、“