"Time wounds all heels"这句话是什么意思中文解释及对这句话的理解

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:11:07

"Time wounds all heels"这句话是什么意思中文解释及对这句话的理解
"Time wounds all heels"这句话是什么意思

"Time wounds all heels"这句话是什么意思中文解释及对这句话的理解
这句话的意思是,“善有善报恶有恶报,不是不报,时机未到.”这里的heels,指的是阿喀琉斯之踵,意为致命的弱点,如果生硬翻译,就不可理解了.这事告诉大家,不要总干坏事,否则随着时间的推移.早晚会受到惩罚的.这句话是Dorothy Park 说的.回答的不好,见笑.




所有创伤 都需要时间来愈合



“time wounds all time heals all wounds//是 Time heals all wounds.Things will get better Time heals all wounds(sorrows).的英文意思解释 time heals all wounds为什么heal是单三形式的rt Time wounds all heels这句话是什么意思中文解释及对这句话的理解 Time can heal all wounds时间真的能治愈所有伤口吗? 时间可以冲淡一切”最地道的说法是:Time heals all wounds?时间可以冲淡一切”最地道的说法是:Time heals all wounds请看下面的例证,当中的album’s name(歌手Carole King的歌曲专辑名称)就是“时间 Life always brings us wounds all over the body.急 all time 翻译:Some wounds,a long time will slowly grow,some grievance,it also relieved. Life always brings us wounds all over the body.But the wounds will certainly become the greatest strength finally!这两句话加在一起求翻译, in every single way 的意思it is all about your heart(一切关于你心的) 这样翻译对吗in every single way and more each passing day()这句怎么翻译time is said to heal all wounds 这句 时间说治愈所有的伤,这样翻译对吗i * Do you know the following sayings?Explain what they mean in English.1.Spare the rod and spoil the child.→2.The pot calls the kettle black.→3.Time heals all wounds(sorrows).→4.Where there's a will there's a way.→ 5.You may lead a horse to th 英语翻译1---Two heads are better then one.2--- Strike while the iron is hot.3--- Time heals all wounds.4--- If you can't bite,don't show your teeth.5--- The deepest waters often make the least noise.6--- Who gossips to you will gossip of you.7--- 大家帮我翻译一下呗 ..I’ve learned…That when you’re in love, it shows. I’ve learned…That love, not time, heals all wounds. I’ve learned…That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them. I want to comfort you,but forgot what to say!Wounds will take time,everything will be restored! 请问这句话的句子结构,we continued to struggle trusting time to comfort our sorrow and heal our wounds