几道英语题对老师的英语语法有质疑.麻烦告诉我为什么这么做.不要光说答案.1.It was said that something terrible happened here ____ the snowy spring.A.in B.at C.on D.by2.The boat has a hole ____ each side.It will go down so

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:44:27

几道英语题对老师的英语语法有质疑.麻烦告诉我为什么这么做.不要光说答案.1.It was said that something terrible happened here ____ the snowy spring.A.in B.at C.on D.by2.The boat has a hole ____ each side.It will go down so
1.It was said that something terrible happened here ____ the snowy spring.
A.in B.at C.on D.by
2.The boat has a hole ____ each side.It will go down soon.
A.on B.through C.in D.at
3.No one saw the soldiers coming out of the wooden horse because they were all___
A.sleep B.sleeping C.asleep D.sleepy
4.Some of the rice in the supermarket is from Jiangsu.What about ____?
A.another B.the other C.others D.the rest
5.My parents plan to spend ____ in the Hangzhou next week.
A.two-day weekend B.two days weekend
C.a two-day weekend D.a two-day-weekend
6.The accidents ____ the day before yesterday.
A.happened B.were happened C.was happened D.had happened
7.Many of them heard about that film,but____ had time to see it.
A.was made to clean B.made clean C.made to clean D.was made clean
8.Would you please tell me ____?
A.when didi he come home B.where he would play football
C.if he had seen the film D.why he didn't watch the game
9.I met Jane at a dinner party last night.She looked nice ____ her blue dress.
A.with B.on C.in D.of

几道英语题对老师的英语语法有质疑.麻烦告诉我为什么这么做.不要光说答案.1.It was said that something terrible happened here ____ the snowy spring.A.in B.at C.on D.by2.The boat has a hole ____ each side.It will go down so
1.介词填空,因为在春天课本上的是in spring,这只不过加了“多雪的”这么一次形容词,所以还用in.
4.选D,意思是其他部分(剩下的所有部分).这个题目考察的是another 和 the other这类词的区别.选别的意思都不对.
5.C!连字符和S只能选择一个,而且是必须选择一个.选择连字符的时候前面要加冠词a或者the,在a two-day weekend中,two-day像是一个形容词.
8.D.首先因为语序问题排除A,因为主句不是过去时态所以不用would,不选 B,see the film不能用现在完成时吧?不选C

几道英语题对老师的英语语法有质疑.麻烦告诉我为什么这么做.不要光说答案.1.It was said that something terrible happened here ____ the snowy spring.A.in B.at C.on D.by2.The boat has a hole ____ each side.It will go down so 价值观的英语定义有谁知道麻烦告之谢谢 为什么大学还的要过英语4级?现在大学普遍对英语教育有质疑 麻烦推荐几首对我学英语有帮助的英语歌曲?麻烦推荐几首对我学英语有帮助的英语歌曲?Thank you! “我对你的爱只藏在心里”用英语怎么写有急用,告告我 高先生的房间用英语怎么说?麻烦告下 对曹操观沧海的质疑要两个质疑 考研英语对语法的要求高吗?我自忖英语水平一般,不知道考研对英语语法要求如何,另外,有没有过来人推荐几本好书 ^_^ 求助几道英语语法题!> 蜘蛛有几对足?老师,我想问一下,蜘蛛的头胸部有螯肢和须肢,还有四对步足,螯肢和须肢是不是它的足,也就是可不可以说它有六对足?麻烦老师, 有关对英语语法认识的英语作文 “使您对我们的服务产生了质疑”用英语怎么说? 对“起舞弄清影,何似在人间”的内容质疑那道题就是这,请对“起舞弄清影,何似在人间”的内容质疑。可扯淡..... 二氧化硫有几对孤对电子数麻烦高手解答 拿不准的就别答了二氧化硫应该是sp3杂化,而且根据的是vsepr,老师说有一对,书上说有两对 不知道哪个对 焕然一新.卧薪尝胆.负荆请罪.完壁归赵四个成语感情色彩相同吗?都是褒义词吗?这是我们老师出的一道题,老师说是对的,但我仍有质疑,希望大家给我自己的真实看法,李某在这感谢你了! 英语翻译英语作文 麻烦各位翻译告手了是英语的 不是汉语回答 对生物圈是所有生物的家的质疑 要长一点的 有急用! 明朝后期对儒家思想的正统地位提出质疑的思想家有那些?