
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:59:32


Dragon Boat Festival is the grandest festival of the Miao people who live in Qingshui Rive in Southeast of Guizhou Province.In the Miao people's mind,dragon is the symbol of Good Fortune.The Miao girls love to use various of dragon pattens in their silver ornaments or clothes.The dragon boats made by the Miao people are lightweight and artistic.The body of the dragon boat is made up with three canoes bound together - one large in the middle and two small on the sides.The more-than-two-meter dragonhead which is carved from the trunk of a weep willow tree is decorated with a pair of dargon horns with one meter long.The dragonhead can be divided into three kinds as Red Dragon,Green Dragon and Yellow Dragon accroding to its main color.

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The Dragon Boat Festival, is the Qiandongnan River on the grandest festival of the Miao nationality. The dragon, in the eyes of the Miao is a symbol of good luck and happiness to you. Miao girl 's lov...


The Dragon Boat Festival, is the Qiandongnan River on the grandest festival of the Miao nationality. The dragon, in the eyes of the Miao is a symbol of good luck and happiness to you. Miao girl 's love dragon silver ornaments shaped like the head, or embroidery, weaving in the skirts of the. Miao people making boats, is very exquisite, beautiful body, by a mother ship and two small boat tied to. The two meter long faucet, water willow sculpture, with a pair of a meter long horns. Leading to the main color different, divided into red dragon,cyan dragon, yellow dragon.


Dragon Boat Festival, qiandongnan miao river water is the biggest holiday of the people. Dragon, in the miao people mind is the symbol of good luck. The most love dragon pattern rongshui county girl p...


Dragon Boat Festival, qiandongnan miao river water is the biggest holiday of the people. Dragon, in the miao people mind is the symbol of good luck. The most love dragon pattern rongshui county girl playing silver in the head, deck made or embroidery, weaving in dress. Miao people's production of dragon boat, very delicate, beautiful, by a mother ship dragons and two sons in the firm. More than two meters long bibcock, water carving, equipped with the willow one-on-one meters long dragon horn. Leading to different color, divided into ChiLong, tsing lung, huanglong.


英语翻译龙船节,是黔东南清水江上苗族人民最盛大的节日.龙,在苗族人心目中是吉祥如意的象征.苗家姑娘最爱将龙形图案打制成银饰装点在头上,或刺绣、编织在衣裙中.苗族人民制作的龙船, 英语翻译黔东南苗族女性题材写实人物油画的探索摘要:黔东南苗族女性题材在写实人物油画中独有的美而备受画家们的关注.黔东南苗族女性题材写实人物油画以其独特的艺术语言传递了黔 贵州省 黔东南苗族侗族自治州 镇远县 舞阳镇民主街舞阳镇 这地址哪个快递能到哦 两地公路距离查询贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州锦屏县到湛江市公路距离多远?怎么走 英语翻译翻译古文,只要这些,百度百科上我看过了没有,不要背景不要全文翻译:清河水又南,与小瑶水合.水近出西北穷溪,东南流注清水.清水又东南,吴泽陂水注之.水上承吴陂于修武县之故城 苗族起源是啥? 登高节苗族是哪天 蝴蝶妈妈是谁?苗族人民为什么崇拜她? 牛皮鼓与芦笙的联系在苗族人民心中,牛皮鼓与芦笙是“神公圣母”.它们究竟有何联系呢? 连线题把民族与其传统节日相连 1蒙古族2朝鲜族3维吾尔族4傣族5回族6苗族7壮族8彝族9藏族A摔跤B孔雀舞C手鼓1蒙古族 A摔跤 B孔雀舞 C手鼓舞 D跳板 E龙船节 F三月三歌节 G火把节 H集体舞 I开斋 苗族的历史是怎么样发展的? 苗族 蚩尤部落是什么样? 鸦片战争中,东南沿海地区的群众奋起抗英,其中规模最大的是( )人民的抗英斗 苗族服饰历史背景注意,重点是在苗族服饰的历史过程,那些苗族服饰的特点不需要. 苗族主要分布在哪里苗族虽然是少数民族,但是分布不均匀,所以苗族的分布很难搞清楚 说出下列人类活动与当地气候中哪些要素有联系,并解释原因.(1).我国的居民的屋顶的坡度是由东南向西北逐渐减小的(2).我国北方人喜欢的运动项目是滑雪,南方人喜爱划龙船 都知道鱼龙是苗族的图腾崇拜.我想知道鱼龙的起源,历史和它的意义!鱼龙在苗族历史文化舞台中扮演了怎么样的角色,希望各界专家指点!注上个人意见更佳! 海南苗族和湖南苗族的语言一样么?是有点不同,还是完全不同?